The first thing people ask me is 'Why is my name abi yellow?' My name is Abi and I have been told I have yellow Eyes. When I met Eagle He said we gonna call you Abi Yellow and the name has just stuck. So I thought I would just get that out of the way first
My Life has never been easy and I have made many mistakes, but i have always been positive and in touch with nature. My music reflects my inner mind my dreams my wishes and my needs. I have been called a rebel and I guess I am because i dont do things or even think in a conventional way. I just think im a little off center.
Abi Yellow is not just me. It includes Stacy and Kez who I write and perform with. Kez is the percussionist and Stacy Plays guitar and raps. He is an amazing Guitarist, and he is only 18. Unfortunately we have not recorded anything yet but we are in the process of doing so. Therefore all the music you are hearing is only me. But our new stuff is amazing organic and fuses so many different styles.
I hope you can see into my minds eye and walk with me through my music.
Picture by mike the hat
The Album - Angel of Rebellion
Pictures by Mike the Hat
Abi Yellow is produced by Stevie Eagle E
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