..lifeteenrevolution.. profile picture


We are the Catholics TV warned you about.

About Me

Green spikes. Crazy hair . Black jackets with band names and pins all over them. It’s about music that is loud and fast, being different and rejecting the norm. It’s about being a punk. And punk is about rebellion.

The punk subculture is not just about any kind of rebellion, it’s about radical rebellion from cultural norms, its about not conforming to what Corporate America would want you to be. Want to hear something crazy? Jesus is a punk.

Two-thousand years ago this guy came out of nowhere and he started teaching something radical. He taught about love, he taught about how to live, and people followed. The authority figures looked at him as a bad influence, and he challenged their ideas on much of what they believed and ate with sinners. He told people he hadn’t come to bring them peace, he came to turn brothers against brothers and tear families apart. He was a deviant, a threat, and ultimately he was crucified for it. Jesus was the ultimate punk. He came along and did something so different it started a whole new subculture: Christianity.

Jesus walked a radical path. He might not fit what we expect a punk to look like, and maybe we don’t either. Regardless of what music you listen to, what kind of clothes you wear or who you hang out with, this is my challenge to you:

Jesus calls us to be punks. You don’t need to dress up or spike your hair. Rebellion is in how we act, not what clothes we wear. Become radical for Christ. Too many Catholics and Christians exist in their faith where they are comfortable. They go to church and smile and go through the motions, they leave and live out their faith quietly without much thought. They don’t push any buttons, they don’t draw outside the lines. That is not what Jesus calls us to do. We are called to live out our faith in radical ways, not to fit into norms. Are you curious what norms our culture has for teenagers? Pick up an issue of Seventeen, turn on the OC or Laguna Beach, go to any party and see those norms;

“Sex is okay, as long as you are safe.”

“Get drunk and be somebody”

“Everyone should experience drugs at least once”

“There is no place for Christ in your life”

“You are only as good as the money you make, the friends you have, the car you drive.”

These are the stereotypes that they would like you to believe. As Catholics and punks we know these things aren’t true though. We know that we are so much more than the car we drive or the money in our wallet. We are not defined by our friends, we are defined by our faith. Become radical in your faith. If you want to truly rebel, save sex for marriage (or stop having sex and wait for marriage) and watch people react when you tell them you don’t have sex because you are waiting for true love. I promise anyone you tell will be shocked. Go to the parties and don’t drink, or better yet, have your own parties where alcohol isn’t even involved. Go out and live the gospel, be proud of the Church you go to…invite your friends. Rebellion is in the mind, not in the clothes we wear.

We are not called to a life of quiet worship . We are not called to close our doors and never let the world see who we are. We are called to be punks, to be radical, to rebel against the norms of what they say we are. We are His, and we don’t care what anyone else says.


My Interests

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My Blog


Every week I write the LifeTeen section of our church bulletin. Sometimes I will put short notes like I do on Facebook, other times I will include upcoming events and schedules for our program. And so...
Posted by ..lifeteenrevolution.. on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 02:16:00 PST

Road Signs and Jesus

I was driving back from my Easter celebrations earlier this week and, as often happens on the three hour journey back from my relatives house, I got bored. And maybe you are like me and have realized ...
Posted by ..lifeteenrevolution.. on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 10:32:00 PST

Take Up Your Cross

"If any wishes to follow me, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me." We hear Jesus saying something very difficult in the Gospel of Mark, don't we? You know, I've spent a long time re...
Posted by ..lifeteenrevolution.. on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 02:02:00 PST

The Paschal Mystery and the 300

Its one of the hottest movies at the box office right now. If you haven't seen it the reason is probably because you can't get in (it is rated R), or you just aren't into fighting movies (its also fu...
Posted by ..lifeteenrevolution.. on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 02:45:00 PST

Basic Education

Before you go out to start a revolution in your community and become active, it is important to be educated in the issues you may be taking action in. Below are a few social issues (both dealing with...
Posted by ..lifeteenrevolution.. on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 02:00:00 PST

Standing up for the Faith.

The world is a hostile place towards Christians. You are going to come up against people who will have many problems with the message you are spreading. You will be surprised  some of these people ...
Posted by ..lifeteenrevolution.. on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 03:23:00 PST

The Coming Kingdom

For many years humanity has dealt with horrible things. We have faced disease that sometimes wiped out whole populations; we have faced wars and armies that committed terrible crimes against all huma...
Posted by ..lifeteenrevolution.. on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 05:29:00 PST

Kinetic Spirituality

Has anyone ever said anything to you that just ruined your day? Maybe something happened right when you woke up and it started a chain reaction that just got worse and worse? In the same respect, ha...
Posted by ..lifeteenrevolution.. on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 08:44:00 PST

The Challenge.

Its a thought that has often crossed my mind...What if I gave God my all for one week? I try my best every day to wake up and recommit myself to Jesus Christ and to continuing his ministry. It gets ...
Posted by ..lifeteenrevolution.. on Sun, 20 Aug 2006 02:59:00 PST

A Christians Reason to Believe

First of all, I want to just say this.Im really not here to attack you, seriously. My background is as follows: Im a Catholic, and I have been all my life. In addition, I work as a Catholic youth mini...
Posted by ..lifeteenrevolution.. on Wed, 02 Aug 2006 02:13:00 PST