THE DESTROYERS are a 15 piece group based in Birmingham UK. A mix of recovering escapees from Birmingham's Conservatoire and musical firebrands from the Midlands, the band are a sight to behold.
Fired by the energy of Eastern European music, The Destroyers diversify and build upon traditional arrangements, whilst remaining true to the roots of their influences.
SOME OF OUR VIDEOSNestled in the bosom of the beautiful Devonshire countryside, a magical spot for a birthday party... The Destroyers fired the audience with their breakneck tunes, awakening an uncontrollable desire to dance until the sun came up!
Birthday party @Devon
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The Destroyers meet The Dhol Blasters.
Live at Roots Ville.
The Destroyers' live at The Station, Birmingham. January 2007.
It's time to discover how rap mingles with our gypsy jamboree! Feva is in charge of the outspoken hip-hop in 'Conflit', a round the bend composition by Louis Robinson.
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The Destroyers' live at the Glee Club, Birmingham. October 2006.
Playing 'Nasty Right Wing Campaign' sang and written by the always awe-inspiring Paul Murphy over Louis Robinson's arranged tune.
Nasty Right Wing Campaign
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Some pics from The Destroyers at Roots DeVille Midsummer Festival, Birmingham, 24th June 2006 (www.rootsdeville.com). Getting closer to summer time...