Christopher profile picture


That's it! Above the knee. Like I taught you.

About Me

My name is Christopher Henderson. I used to work in CTU Los Angeles. During my time there, I recruited many talented agents, including Jack Bauer. I kinda wish I'd given him a job sorting out the post rather than a field agent. The little runt implicated me in a bribe scandal and I lost my job. I was framed - maybe by George Mason, maybe by Nina Myers, who can tell - but they didn't care. Things turned out okay though. I became head of a defence contractor called Omicron, which manufactures weapons for the U.S government. My lovely wife Miriam stood by me too. That reminds me, I need to give the hospital a call - Bauer shot her in the leg earlier. I decided to hatch a plot to supply terrorists with Sentox nerve gas so we could frame Central Asian countries for possessing WMD. This way, President Logan (my accomplice) can increase the military presence in said countries, ensuring the flow of oil for years. What's your problem? That COULD happen! It's all gone a bit wrong though. The terrorists discovered our fiendish plot and tried to use the nerve gas against America. Plus Bauer has found out about my involvement and is after me. What a nuisance that guy is. CTU even caught me at one point, but I escaped, killing some schmuck called Tony Almeida in the process. I hope that doesn't piss Bauer off too much, hahahahaha! Whatever. The President of the fricking United States is on my side, what could possibly go wrong?UPDATED: So yeah, I'm dead. This what you get for helping shut down stolen Russian nuclear submarines. Sonofabitch!

My Interests

Downloading music. Attending my 'resistance to torture' class. Checking up on Kim Bauer. Love that girl.

I'd like to meet:

Jack Bauer - so I can gut the little twerp like a fish.Bill Buchanan - to see if he's still as straight as I remember.Agent Burke- to see how much he likes it when I inject him with torture juice.Tony Almeida - IN HELL! Hahahahahahahahahahaha!!


Too much to list. I hope Agent Chloe O'Brian didn't wipe my mp3s when she was looking around my computer, the potato-faced little scroat.




24, the Robocop tv series.


How to Pretend You're in a Coma so You can Kill the Guy Whose Wife you Killed who's About to Kill You (author unknown)


President Charles Logan. What a strong and effective leader! A true patriot.