high-strung profile picture



About Me

hello! i sell yarn for knitting and crochet on my website: www.highstrungyarns.com . i'm just starting out and so far, it's been fun! i live in austin where there's 2 yarn shops (soon to be 3) that are awesome sources of fine yarn. i'd like to serve those that don't have local yarn shops and i'd also like to offer yarns that your local yarn shops have looked over. i'm always interested to find out who's creating their own yarn too. i'd like to learn to spin my own one day...

My Interests

searching the world for different yarns to sell (not that yarn you find in big box retail stores). so far my favorites are ROOSTER YARNS from the UK LIISU YARNS from north carolina, FABLE HANDKNIT from canada ...and RIO DE LA PLATA .

I'd like to meet:

lovers of knitting, crochet, and YARN.


DIY Network


ROOSTER YARNS Pattern Book 1

My Blog

high-strung is now open!

come visit high-strung!  we're now open and ready to serve up the best yarns for your knitting/crochet pleasure.  keep watching out for our growing inventory of specialty yarn and knitting/c...
Posted by high-strung on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 08:44:00 PST

Check out my new blog!

i'll be using this as my blog from now on:www.highstrungyarns.wordpress.comcome visit me!!
Posted by high-strung on Sun, 09 Jul 2006 11:55:00 PST

My first sock!

a few weeks ago, i had a trip to prepare for, and i hate having nothing to do on the plane, so i decided to stop by my LYS and get a basic sock pattern, some double pointed needles (the short ones - 5...
Posted by high-strung on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 09:39:00 PST

Yay! More Yarn!!!

I'm so impressed! I just got a shipment of Rio de la Plata and Fable Handknit today! They're all so much more beautiful in person. Rio's merino yarns are super super soft (I got them in red, grey, ...
Posted by high-strung on Tue, 09 May 2006 12:24:00 PST

Rooster Yarn is in!

I just got my very first shipment from Rooster Yarn!  The colors are gorgeous!  I need to work on photography this weekend.  Meanwhile, their website has pretty good pics (www.roosterya...
Posted by high-strung on Thu, 04 May 2006 01:07:00 PST

Starting out...

The website is hopefully under construction. I hope it's up and running by next month! The boys at studio tomi seem really enthusiastic so I'm sure the site's in good hands. The goal for the weeken...
Posted by high-strung on Sat, 22 Apr 2006 11:16:00 PST