Dancing in my underwear, speaking as though I am from the 18th century, driving recklessly, falling desperately in love, making a fool of myself time and time again, drinking excessively on bad nights, smoking excessively whenever I can, writing, watching romantic movies, pretending that I can speak french, Tab Energy drinks, Hot Pockets, gossip magazines, patchouli, lavender, purple things, wearing cute clothes, shopping on Ebay, looking pretty while running into ex-boyfriends, dining out, highlighters, those little orange monkeys at the zoo with the impressive tails, road trips, the ocean, big plans, pens with purple ink, writing letters, making boys cry, smiling at strangers, hiking, shooting pool, playing on the gaming machines that they have at bars, reading, watching the director's commentary, making out with random boys, smiling just because I can, running slowly, not exercising, Sudoku, Hot Gimmick, any HBO television series, eating berries for lunch, pugs, watching TV all day, reading all day, writing all day (wait, that never happens), procrastination, bad jokes, old friends, Karaoke, having the house to myself, filling notebook after notebook, banishing my writer's block to a place far far away, jokes that only I find funny, cotton candy, skeeball, bingo, easy cheese, bubbles out the car window, Long Island Iced Teas, making men pay for my cigars, hand knit socks, Mountain Dew, G-town baby, Miami Beach, driving, Las Vegas, journals, tilt-a-whirl, Joan Didion, board games, rocket science, cold pizza, fat balding musicians, cotton candy, people who pick their noses in the car next to me, black coffee, gossip, green tea lemonade, American Spirits, Burningman, sleeping in, random phone calls from Girls Gone Wild, big sunglasses, vintage clothing, crossword puzzles that I never finish, more later
People who remember Popples, The kid who stole my gas cap off of my old car, That guy in the band (you know, the band that I like), and The bouncer.
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Lily Allen is on repeat in my CD Player.
Music Video: SMILE (by Lily Allen)
Music Video Code provided by Video Code Zone
Garden State, A Very Long Engagement, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Pride and Prejudice, Kill Bill 1 & 2, Shaun of the Dead, Wonder Boys, Capote, Sense and Sensibility, Emma, Amelie, He Loves Me He Loves Me Not, Oceans 11, Fight Club, Snatch, Election, The Beach, Empire Records, Maria Full of Grace, Josie and the Pussycats, I'm sure there are more that I just can't think about right now.
I like a lot of books. I probably like your book a lot. If I haven't read your book yet, I will. Thank you for taking the time to ask me to read your book.
Edna St. Vincent Millay