I am:
A lways ready and willing to try something knew.
B est friend to few.
C onstantly chewing gum.
D efinitely someone who knows how to pull good pranks.
on other people.
E ccentric.
F ond of animals.
G reat looking and I know it :-P
H appy 76% of the time.
I n belief that jumping up and down is the cure to
J oined at the hip by my best-friend Josh.
K elley.
L ooking for my sweater at the moment.
M y favorite subject.
N ever on time for anything.
O pen minded.
P otty-trained.
Q uintessential.
R arely awake during the day.
S omeone who can find beauty in anything.
T he future ruler of the world.
U no hot mama.
V ile.
W orst enemy to many.
X -rated
Y oyo like.
Z ealous by nature.
Carrying around a gun shaped like Josh's penis
'What sexual activity will you go to jail for?' at QuizUniverse.com
K Kinky
E Eccentric
L Loving
L Light
E Entertaining
Y Yummy
Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com
You will be smothered under a rug. You're a little anti-social, and may want to start gaining new social skills by making prank phone calls.
What horrible Edward Gorey Death will you die?
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