A new crop of young, independent bands are re-invigorating a punk rock staple: melodic hardcore. Pay attention, this is Jacksonville, Florida's WHALEFACE. Steeped in the traditions of 90's rockers Pulley, local heroes Inspection 12, and more recent stalwarts Rise Against, the band, comprised of four long time friends are here to rock some tasty riffs-and chill bones.
When other bands slag around the scene for years, half-heartedly spouting about contracts, management deals, and not getting anything done; the guys of WHALEFACE played countless shows, self-financed/pressed a well received CD/EP in their first year, and had fun doing it. Because, isn't that the point? The band concern themselves with playing music that THEY want to hear; do you think great art is created with a consumer in mind? And what, you ask, do they want to hear? Energy! Melody! Tempo! Ah, the holy trinity of good, catchy punk rock. It's served up in heaps on stand-out tracks "That's The Point," "To My Defense," and "Release." Layered vocal harmonies, inventive break-downs, and one helluva live show set WHALEFACE apart from the vast majority of bands mining similar territories.
Their first full length is in the works and the road won't be far behind. Enjoy Whaleface! Please to thank you!
-Jerm Rogers