The Cement Shoes formed in the spring of 1996. The band had been together for about a month, with no vocals. Jeff (bass) mentioned, to Mike (vocals), that he and Frog (drums) had been starting another band. They had been in many bands before. Jeff mentioned that they were primarily hardcore, but they cover Code Blue by T.S.O.L.. Mike said he knew the lyrics and invited himself to band practice. At that band practice, Mike meets Dean (lead guitar) and Tim (rythmn guitar). Mike sings Code Blue and a couple originals. Everyone seems to be impressed with each other. The Cement Shoes are born.
Some of the band wanted to be more like the up and comming hardcore bands. Such as E-Town Concrete and Fury of Five, with all the metal included. One of them wished it was an abnoxious Oi! and an older school of hardcore. Another seemed to prefer a talented, melodic, but frantic, progressive, hardcore sound, but more obscure than anything ever heard. Some of them voiced their opinions on what sound The Cement Shoes should've been. Some just voiced their preferred style when contributing to the writing. None of the different influences ever caused any static in the band. It only made The Cement Shoes stand out.
The Cement Shoes only experienced two line up changes between 1996 and 2002. Vic, the 12 year old with tattoos, was their second rythmn guitarist. Their third rythmn guitarist, Scottie Homeslice, would join in 1999. Or was it 1998? Scottie was around the whole time. He made a website for the band, when no small bands had websites. He put The Cement Shoes demo tapes on CD. Again, nobody did stuff like that. We needed a new guitarist. He was a shoe in (oh that was a horrible pun). Scottie's style put a new twist on The Cement Shoes' style. Everyone else's influences and abilities had changed by this time too. The full length CD, "Can U Dig It" (2000), and the "Mang Ting" demo CD (2001) were extremely different from the 1996 and 1997 demo tapes.
By 2002, The Cement Shoes decided to call it quits. They could've done more. However, the era seemed to be over. They left lasting impressions in a wide variety of towns and scenes. Anyone that has seen them or made friends with them, don't forget The Cement Shoes. Mike sings for Broken Heroes, since 2003. He frequently meets old and new faces that remember The Cement Shoes. Froggy joined Nothing Left to Mourn, for some time after The Shoes. A part of a much heavier scene, Froggy would get compliments from those that were impressed with The Cement Shoes. Dean went on to play in Technology in Flashlights. A talented band that seemed to fit into Dean's ability to sound like no one else. Scottie Homeslice persued his career in computer hacking. What a dangerous guy. He still promotes The Cement Shoes til this day. He is their biggest fan for sure. Jeffy is tattooing, sculpting, painting, writing music, making movies and still dreading going to band practice, even though they haven't practiced in years.--------------------------THE CEMENT SHOES HAVE PLAYED WITH: Warzone, Vision of Disorder, M.O.D., E-Town Concrete, Madball, 25 Ta Life, Commin Correct, Murphy's Law, Blanks 77, The Casualties, 9-Lives,
Headwound, A Moments Peace, Knuckle Sandwich, U.S. Chaos, Ironcross, No Redeeming Social Value, Tombstone Brawlers, U.S. Bombs and many other talented and mentionable bands.
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