First, I wanna say that after you look around this page, go to this blog and watch the video. I'm not going to say anything more, just watch.
Are You Gay or bi and proud? Do you feel different than everyone around you? Are you looked down upon?
I know the types of situations that gay/bi men go through: The prejudice, the Gay Bashers. Some people out there are just assholes.
Please know that you can come here and be accepted for who you are, no matter what you like.
Even if you are not gay/bi, if you support homosexuals, or know one, please add yourself as a friend to show that support.
If you can think of any gay-themed or gay-friendly Music, TV Shows, Movies, or Books that we have forgotten, please send us a message mentioning them and what category/categories that they fall into. We will be happy to add them to our list. One purpose of our page is to show those that are struggling to accept who they really are that it is ok and they are not alone.