Depends On My Mood profile picture

Depends On My Mood

I am empowered to help myself!!!!!

About Me

For those who do not know me: I am a mother of two wonderful children. I am a wife of 19 years of a retired Army Sgt. I was raised in Iowa for most of my life and moved to Harveyville Ks the first year of high school. I attended Mission Valley High School till my Jr. year when my family moved back to Iowa. I met my husband through my sister Barb at Ft. Campbell Ky. We married after a year of dating. I have traveled to many states while Tim was in the military. We were stationed at Ft. Campbell Ky, Ft. Wainwright Ak, and finally Ft. Bragg, NC. I have made friends and memories throughout Tim's career in the Army. I spent ten years putting my husband through college and we finally arrived in Oregon. My husband works for the BLM
For those of you who know me: All I can say is "Didn't we have fun!"

Fairy Glitter Graphics

I made this layout with help from pYzam , Look at these other Layouts!

My Interests

I love poetry. I would say my most passionate interest would be spiritualism. I have gone through alot in my life and done alot of growing. I can honestly say I like who I have become. Don't get me wrong I am not a religous person but I have alot of faith. I have studied many religons through my life and have come to the conclusion that Spiritualism is the closest to what I believe.
I also love Moose. Yes, you heard me right. I fell in love with them when Tim was stationed in Alaska. I have quite a collection of them. I love Helicopters! Nothing more erotic than the sound of one when it starts up. One day I'll ride in one.

Animal Glitter Graphics

Angel Glitters

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I'd like to meet:

For those of you who know me this is not a strange request.
Barry Manillow

Glitter Icon Graphics

Butterfly Glitter

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As my name says Depends On My Mood: I listen alot to 70's music and I have alot of CD's with 70's music. I also listen to dance music. The 80's hold a special place in my heart too. I also listen to alot of new groups from Bowling for Soup to Rob Zombie to Clasical. It just depends on what I'm feeling. Here lately it's been McFly and Five O's!!!!! You guys rock!!!!!


Butterfly Glitter Pictures

I would have to say the Harry Potter movies are on the top of my list right now but I also love anything with Orlando Bloom in them. Across The Universe!!! I love comedy, romance, thriller, and drama's


The Riches,House, Nip/Tuck, CSI: Las Vegas, CSI: Miami, CSI: New York. Law & Order, Law & Order SVU. The Shield. Do we see a pattern happening here? I also like Comedy Central. With all that killing a person needs to sit back and have a laugh. Hee hee


Harry Potter series.
Alot of spiritual books like Egar Cayce, Tarot readings, Mediumship, Conversations with God. The Book on Mediums by Allan Kardec.

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I have had many people whom have come into my life and have touched me in one way or another and to them I also give thanks for the lessons, the love, and for the time of my life. A Reason, A Season, A Lifetime. You all know who you are. Thank you.

My Blog

Keepers of the Light

Keepers of the LightSeventy-two takes him upSeventy-two Every night and every dayWith each step he takesWith each step he makesNo mater the weatherHe must stay on courseTending to the lightTo keep eve...
Posted by Depends On My Mood on Sat, 12 Jul 2008 11:55:00 PST

Eye of the Beholder

She sits quietly, "Your the pretty one" is whistpered in her ear.Waves crash, tides flow, the pools of essance hold her here.Falling, falling, falling. Swimming, floating, treading to survive...Waves ...
Posted by Depends On My Mood on Sun, 29 Jun 2008 10:23:00 PST

A little more info about business (Executive Summary)

Executive Summary Inspirational Oasis LLC industry predominantly deals with alternative medicine therapies and will be one of the top in its industry in Harney County. Alternative medicine therapies h...
Posted by Depends On My Mood on Tue, 20 May 2008 02:16:00 PST

Teen Voices Project

Project: Teen Voices To Encourage an Environment of Non-judgmental Visionaries Out to Inspire and Contribute to Everyone's Self-worth   This acronym was developed to be an umbrella for all of ...
Posted by Depends On My Mood on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 09:45:00 PST

Updating Inspirational Oasis

If you have a moment please go take a look at our profile Inspirational Oasis. I have been updating it today. I updated the About Me section and posted a new blog about the programs we wouod like to i...
Posted by Depends On My Mood on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 08:45:00 PST

Calling all Friends!

We're two sisters' that see a need in our community, for healing. We have a teen drug and alcohol problem here, & we want to contribute a safe and non-judgmental,, environment for our kids to heal...
Posted by Depends On My Mood on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 01:26:00 PST