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Colin Dempsey


About Me

New York City Comedian. I am easy going but have panic attacks sometimes, not always violent. I like to relax by giving myself a back massage or by dropping objects from a great height. I have no pets due to a court order restricting me of any responsibility, but I can baby sit children through a loop hole in New York state law ($18/Hr). I like music, swimming, looking down from high places and tumbling on carpet. I also like to descend the stairs in my house on my belly and talk to people on the street through my letter box. I can only sleep on my left side, I fart in private and get excited about taking a dump because its an unofficial 15 min break from work that I get piad for. I worry about everything from hands coming out from under my bed to grab my feet accompanied with a high pitched scream first thing in the morning to the appearance of a child corpse singing demented nursery ryhmes at the end of my bed. Im a morning pooper and regular as an atomic clock, even though I consume no fiber what-so-ever as part of my diet. I work out simply because everyone else does and I may have to fight one of those people in a bar someday. I also like to daydream as life is so mind numbingly boring I often find myself fighting back tears for no reason while fixing a paper jam in my HPofficejet 4110. I hate 98.5% of every single person I meet, and find that almost half of that 1.5% of "workable people", I have developed a fake laugh for! I have chronic heartburn, constantly, and at the rate Im consuming TUMS-Ultra I will have Gall Stones the size of a basketballs this time next year. As was once said in the Bible..."It is easier for a rich man to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a man to pass Gall Stones of any size". I like to do a shot of whiskey with Listerine Mouthwash first thing in the morning, I call this drink the "Fire starter Sunrise". I also drink coffee and tea mixed in tall glass topped with Red Bull. This helps me get through the opening hour of the day at least. This drink I have nicknamed "The Bomb". The remainder of the day I just zombie out and think of all the huge mistakes and wrong turns I took during my life. When I get home I ly on my bed and stare at the ceiling daydreaming, then I microwave a can of Tuna while still in the can. This way I can hear when its done because the explosion can generally be heard even when Im masturbating in the shower. The remainder of my night will generally consist of hurling insults at Bill`O Reilly on Fox news while wearing my "Relaxing Suit". This basically is the top half of an expensive suit and the lower half is ass-less leather chaps, like what a gay cowboy would wear if he was going for a job interview 140 years ago. The other nights are just court order trips to my doctor for an array of injections. One time when I was on my own I built a fort out of my parking tickets and hooked up a car battery to my roommates door knob. Now he has a stutter and is paralyzed on one side of his face. He even lost his job! Its a crazy world.......I am currently recording a relaxation CD entitle "Power Relaxation - Stress reduction for on the go people" its a series of ultra high intensity 2 minute power relaxation sessions were I,via the use of my voice, shout relaxing commands to encourage stress reduction such as "RELAX!! AND SIT DOWN" "YOU KNOW YOU CAN DO THIS, WHAT? YOU WANNA DIE OF A HEART ATTACK BEFORE 50! GET REAL AND SHUT UP" "THIS NIGHTMARE CAN END" it can be very full on but its a no bullshit ride for the serious relaxerer! I cover all aspect in stress relief under several chapters "Anti-Aneurysm Attack" "Put up your feet, bring down the heart beat" "Ulcer Shmulcer" "Pins and needles = Sins of Eating"It will be in the stores this year, please buy one, if you dont you could die prematurly and it will be all your own fault -Colin

My Interests

Comedy, laughing or making people laugh - there is nothing more important in life. Music. My girlfriend Marisa for constantly reminding me that im better than the person I think I am, Photography, I will be putting up some of my photographes reall soon In general I like shepards pie, people with a passion about anything, daydreaming into someones face when they start talking about sports, my jeep wrangler (my only prized material possesion), a pink, orange and brown stripped shirt which I have been wearing for the last Two years...every weekend!!!, watching spanish language soaps or dramas and laughing my ass off, walking out of a bar in manhattan after a few drinks and looking up at the skyscrappers, sombody saying something so funny I open my mouth and nothing comes out, lying on my bed staring at the ceiling and daydreaming, listening to a song that momentarily makes me want to up and leave everything and become a full time musician...celine dion or brittany spears often reverses this feeling, shouting at the TV when a model smiles into a breaking wave to advertise a toothpaste, screaming abuse at any shopping channel "My ab master is like totaly apart of my life right now" type stuff from lying bastards, but most of all I like laughing at myself for taking it all too seriously sometimes.

I'd like to meet:

Chris Morris, Steve Coogan, Maria Bamford, William Shatner & Jesus


Goldfrapp, Bent, Wekend Players, Zero 7, Pink Floyd, U2, Neil Finn, Tom Jones, Doves, Supergrass, Air, David Bowie [in no particular order from here]All Irish & British music pretty much, Queen, The Fun Loving Criminals, AC/DC, Bell and Sebastian, Elliot Smith, all 1980`s music, all chillout music or anything thats wierd and trippy. Ryuichi Sakamoto, Orbital, All old stuff like billie holiday, Patsey Cline, Johnny Cash, Frank Sinatra, Rag Time, All old blues, Blur, Oasis, Bread, Bob Dylan, Coldplay, Crowded House, Massive Attack, daft Punk, Dire Straits, Ella Fitzgerald, Garbage, Guns n` Roses,etc this list could go on forever.....Oh and this guy below!!!..


Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Tron, Donnie Darko, Bottle Rocket, Rushmore, The Royal Tenenbaums, The Virgin Suicides, Closer, Lost in Translation, Splender in the Grass, Casablanca, Breakfast at Tiffanys, Secratary, The Matrix, Orignal Star Wars, Star Trek: The Wrath of Kahn, Early Bond Movies, Brat Pack Films....


Alan Partridge, Brass Eye, The Day Today, The Office, Father Ted, Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer, Red Dwarf, Ulyses 31, Battle of the Planets, Once upon a time...Space, Anything Goes, Forty Coats and Fifty Pockets, Battle Star Galactica (New & Old), Star Trek and Documentarys


Autobiography/Biographys such as William Shatner (Both of them), Leonard Nimoy, John Lennon, David Bowie, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Gerry Adams, Freddy Mercury, Billy Connoly, Niell Finn, Anthony Kliedes, Roy Keene, Nacy Reagan and loads others, dispite if I love or hate them, I cant stop reading them...., Regular books such as K-Pax, most stuff by Dean Kuntz, The 13th Valley by John Del Vechio, Chicken Hawk by Rob Mason, the History of God, anything by Doug Naylor, Inside Intel (Really good actually), all history books, How the Irish Saved Civilisation by Thomas Cathal, The IRA by Tim Pat Coogan, The Shankhill Butchers, Unforgetable Fire by Eamonn Dunphy, The Falkland War by some bloke who was there!!! Anything by Andy Mcnab particularly Bravo Two Zero, Soul Patrol, That Stephen Hawking Book, I only got 3/4 way through it though, somewhere around the chapter that had Light Cones in it!! i dont like that Issac Asimov or whatever his name is, Overrated, very sexist man! thats all for now.....


All my close friends from back home. They are standards upon which I compare everyone. Got a problem with that? Go fuck yourself!

My Blog

I get my name in The British Telegraph.

Stand up for the virgin comic. Last Updated: 12:01am BST 29/04/2007 A new breed of holiday lets you try out the job of your dreams - but for a novice comedian thrust on to the stage of one o...
Posted by Colin Dempsey on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 11:54:00 PST