Quentin_Z profile picture


Bring it all. Bring it hard.

About Me

I love the following:

1. My alluring bride, Victoria Kalimata.

2. Electronic music.

3. Making electronic music with my alluring bride, Victoria Kalimata.

Together, we make up the band Spanking Machine.

You can get our music on iTunes .

From CD Baby: www.cdbaby.com/cd/spanking

And from Metropolis Records: http://www.industrial-music.com/

And please do pop by our MySpace page



My Interests

Interests in this frame of reality include my band Spanking Machine, www.smdungeon.com, Synthesizers, Guitar, Passionate Monogamy, Victory, Clubbing


The inner mind, The bitter candy, Watching the weak minded crumble under the weight of their own insecurities, Laughing at superficial people as they age and lose their good looks allowing their inner ugliness to show through, Blowing off shallow girls who wouldn't dream of flirting with me if I wasn't in a band, a club DJ or married to a goddess, Traveling to odd places, Lazers, Subwoofers


I'd like to meet:

First, let me say that my romantic needs are fulfilled beyond my wildest expectations by Mistress Victoria Kalimata. So I do not seek sexual or romantic contact with anyone else. For that reason, I absolutely will not accept flirtatious or sexual comments on my page. It disrespects the sanctity of our relationship, which I hold above all other things.

Who I really want to meet are interesting, talented, motivated, creative people who have their shit together. People who are trying to make an impact in some way. This includes, but is not limited to, musicians, DJs, artists, filmmakers, robot builders, seekers of alien life, aliens, club kids, club senior citizens, software engineers, web designers, writers, performers and people who enjoy prolonged states of beta wave activity.


Spanking Machine

You are formally invited to click below and experience our MySpace page.

Also, if you're into trance and hard dance, check our our remix page

I also like:
Diva Destruction
Binary Finary
Formula Redux
Angels on Acid
Gabriel and Dresden
Armin Van Buuren
Markus Shultz
Talla 2XLC
Lisa Lashes
4 Strings
Above and Beyond
John 00 Fleming
Kia Tracid
DJ Irene
Apoptygma Bezerk (before the emo shite)
Icon of Coil
Blank and Jones
Ahpex Twin

Chill out
Hard house

Now, enjoy this video of Mistress Victoria and myself at NYE 2006/2007 in LA. (Not pictured: Mistress Victoria and myself.)



Fight Club, Next Friday, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, The Matrix, Pulp Fiction, Trainspotting, Preaching to the Perverted, Mystery Train, Zoolander, Rushmore, Secretary


Fuck Viacom, Clear Channel, Time Warner and the rest of the corporate media for striving to kill independent thought and force-feed us their fascist ideas of sexuality, morality, war, peace, beauty and ugliness.


The Access Virus User's Manual


Those rare souls who do not constantly disappoint me.

My Blog

New song Cult of Lies now on SM’s profile.

The second single from Spanking Machine's upcoming new album has just been posted to our MySpace page.The track is called, "Cult of Lies" and it was produced with Stuart Matheson of Binary Finary. Whi...
Posted by Quentin_Z on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 04:09:00 PST

New Spanking Machine music.

I'm excited to announce that a new album from my band Spanking Machine will be released this Summer. The songs blend our love of classic EBM with our passion for contemporary trance music and internat...
Posted by Quentin_Z on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 01:11:00 PST

Feel free to add me on Facebook

Because one, two or three social networking sites is not enough, I've just put up a Facebook page. Feel free to add me and say hello.http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=836819884
Posted by Quentin_Z on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 12:33:00 PST


Years ago, there was a very special club in Los Angeles called, Sin-A-Matic. Some of the best nights of my life were spent there. Today, I happened to see an old Sin-A-Matic ad and it brought back a ...
Posted by Quentin_Z on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 01:26:00 PST

Mz Victoria and I are moving

No, not to Miami as some have speculated. From downtown LA to an industrial space south of Hollywood. So I'm going to be very slow approving friend requests, comments and replying to messages for the ...
Posted by Quentin_Z on Wed, 30 Aug 2006 10:38:00 PST

Spanking Machine Sub Space Tour commences

Though we've been known to occasionally break riding crops on well toned bottoms, we never break our promises. Recently, we said that if more of our loyal comrades bought our CD, we'd go on tour. Well...
Posted by Quentin_Z on Wed, 15 Feb 2006 12:32:00 PST

Californians: Fight for your right to party.

I'm tired of hearing stories from older people about how much fun it used to be to live in California. How night clubs used to outnumber Starbucks. How you could have wild parties on the beach. And ho...
Posted by Quentin_Z on Tue, 08 Nov 2005 01:14:00 PST

A new way to get the Spanking Machine CD

One of the most frequent requests we receive, that doesn't involve nudity or firearms, is to offer people more ways to get our CD  especially those humans without credit cards. For that reason, we've...
Posted by Quentin_Z on Sat, 05 Nov 2005 05:11:00 PST

New SM CD debuts at number 8 in the Metropolis charts.

As an advanced human being, you probably know that the new Spanking Machine CD, "Now Lie In It" went on sale last week. But you may not be aware that it debuted at number 8 on the Metropolis Records t...
Posted by Quentin_Z on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

SM+Diva Destruction

If you live in Mexico City or Leipzig Germany, or if you happen to wind up there later this month after an especially rousing night of wine and bondage, you may very well run into Mistress Victoria Ka...
Posted by Quentin_Z on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST