♥Chelle♥(RIP Rocky Gesner #446) profile picture

♥Chelle♥(RIP Rocky Gesner #446)

I am here for Friends

About Me

My name is Michelle but hubby calls me 'Chelle' and this is my journey! Journey meaning: My weight loss journey:) In 2003, I began this life-long journey and I can hardly wait for the day when I reach "goal", I am so anxious to "meet" the person in which God created me to be! I began this journey when I reached my highest weight of 238.6 and after two lower back surgeries, I realized in order to live my life to the fullest extent possible, I had to do something! I didn't want my weight being an issue or holding me back from doing the everyday things my children and grandchildren do. I no longer want to be left behind because I can't make the trail or because of over exertion....I want to be in the front of the pack with everybody else:) I want to be on this wonderful earth for as long as possible without my weight being a health concern:) I simply want to be happy and healthy:)
Hubby and I have been happily married for twelve years and can hardly wait for the day when we can say, we've been married for fifty! The song, "Your Love Amazes Me" is my song to him. He is my best friend, my lover, my confidant and my left arm! We recently relocated to Texas from Washington state. There's a big difference between the two and I miss my family more than words could ever say but all in all......we're happy and we've made a wonderful new "home" away from "home". We love motocross, we believe in the saying that "---'a family that plays together, stays together" and that's exactly what we do! It's all we think about! Our oldest boy races in the intermediate class and our youngest two just love to ride!! LOL
Rocky Gesner Memorial Video
Below is my Hope, Faith and Love tag created just for me by Laura at Captivating Creations:) I luvva that girl:)
During the spring/summer months, it's definitely not out of the ordinary to venture out to a race almost every weekend! When we're not on a motocross track, our youngest son loves to play football and our youngest daughter is begininng to play soccer:) We'll ALWAYS be SEATTLE SEAHAWK fans, there are some things you just can't let go of:) I am a SAHM to five wonderful children, ages of which are 24, 22, 17, 11 and 7! They all help me be the "best" mom that I can be:) Outside of being a "mom", I am also a grandma! I'm not too sure if I feel old enough to be called "grandma" but I wouldn't give a minute of it up for anything in the world! My granddaughters, Paris & A'Layah, are bright shining stars in my life, I simply adore them!
I have an "angel", a very special angel, her name is Justina! She was my very first granddaughter but the Lord had a very special job for her which only he knew she could handle...She continues to look over me and my family each and every day. She gave me more in her short 3 months of life which some people never receive in a full lifetime:)
We have two dogs, a golden retriever and a long haired red dachshund...Sammy and Scooter. Three ragdoll cats, Chloe, TAG and our lil' baby, Wilbur! They follow me upstairs at bedtime and downstairs to make coffee in the morning! I love photography, love to be caught in the moment! Nothing beats capturing that special moment and preserving them for a lifetime of wonderful memories:) I LOVE COACH handbags!!! Have bought a couple for myself, one for my sister and one for my niece:) Every girl has to have at least one COACH!!! My dream is to have my own photography studio!! Who knows what the future will bring but I do know that dreams do come true! I'll just have to be patient and see what the future brings:) If you wish to visit Photography by Chelle, just click on the following link and you will be redirected to my homepage.
My newest addiction is tag making! I love to make tags and belong to the most wonderful tagging groups ever:) I am definitely a "Gorjuss" girl...I love all Gorjuss tags, they are my upmost favorite!!! I have four tattoos, three ear piercings, one nose piercing, my tongue pierced and a brow piercing and no matter what, I know Jesus loves me with or without them:) I cherish romantic walks along the beach just as the sun sets and nothing beats a thunderstorm when I can watch the ocean dance. Love a great snowball fight and a walk on fresh fallen snow! Candles, candles, candles...I love them! Christmas is my most favorite time of year. Our tree is always decorated a week before Thanksgiving so that after our big feast on Thanksgiving Eve, all I have to do is flick the switch and let the Christmas spirit ring in.
It would be a perfect world if the "spirit of the season" could remain all throughout the year! I never mix up my food, always eat one item and then onto the next! LOL There's nothing better than bringing a smile to the face of another individual. I don't like to do housework but I get it done! LOL Enjoy working in the garden on a fresh crisp spring day and the warmth of the hot summer sun is always a favorite! I believe it's never too late to accept the things you've done wrong and learn from them. To live each day as if it's your last and dream as if you'll live forever:) I ♥ God and am thankful for everything I have and never take anything for granted!
These are just a few simple things about me! ♥

My Interests


Your Love
Amazes Me! ♥

I'd like to meet:

I love making new friends! With all of the hate and crime in this world today, one can NEVER have too many friends! If you enjoy life to the fullest, loves thy neighbor and loves to laugh, then you're a friend of mine.... :) Hence is where one of my most favorite quotes came from: LIVE, LOVE, LAUGH! ♥

Layout by: CaptivatingCreations





♥ My G'ma, My Angel!
In Loving Memory
June 2, 1929 - June 24, 2007
She taught me more in her last six months which some people never learn in a lifetime! I love you g'ma!
♥ My parents! For they are the ones who constructed me into the person who I am today!!! I love them with all of my heart! Thank you mom and dad for ALWAYS being there for me:)
♥ My hubby because he continues to love me unconditionally each and every day! He is my EVERYTHING and anything is possible as long as we're together:) I'll love him FOREVER and a day:) ♥
♥ My children....I love them with all of my heart and soul...they all make me so very proud to be a MOM and because of them, I strive to be the BEST person in which I can be:) I love you all:)
♥ My Jesus ~ For his love, forgiveness and continuing grace and guidance in my life.
♥ Our Troops ~ Home of the Free, Because of the Brave!
Support Our Troops!
Bring Them Home!!

My Blog

Do you believe in "spirits"? I do:)

Something happened to me last night and I wanted to take this time to share with all of you!  As most of you all know, we are getting ready to relocate and my husband has been down in Texas for ...
Posted by ♥Chelle♥(RIP Rocky Gesner #446) on Sun, 01 Jul 2007 10:59:00 PST

Only a Pound!!

Hello do you know me? If you don't you should. I'm a pound of fat, and I am the happiest pound of fat that you would ever want to meet. Want to know why? It's because no one ever wants to lose me; ...
Posted by ♥Chelle♥(RIP Rocky Gesner #446) on Fri, 28 Apr 2006 05:39:00 PST

I've been TAGGED!!!!! 6/14/07

I've been tagged!! LOLHere's how you play:Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random things, facts or habits about yourself. At the end, choose 10 people to be tagged, lis...
Posted by ♥Chelle♥(RIP Rocky Gesner #446) on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 11:58:00 PST

My Life List! (inspired by a wonderful group of friends!)

These are the things I want to do before I leave this earth! This list is in no particular order and I will add to this list throughout my life and check off the things as they happen. 1.   Own a home...
Posted by ♥Chelle♥(RIP Rocky Gesner #446) on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 07:38:00 PST

Where Success Goes???

Success does not necessarily go to the person who has the most elaborate plan. Success goes to the person who takes a plan and puts it into action.Success does not usually go to the person who can ta...
Posted by ♥Chelle♥(RIP Rocky Gesner #446) on Thu, 27 Apr 2006 06:02:00 PST

To Achieve Your Dreams Remember Your ABC's

by Wanda Hope CarterA - Avoid negative sources, people, places, things and habits.B - Believe in yourself.C - Consider things from every angle.D - Don't give up, and don't give in.E - Enjoy life to...
Posted by ♥Chelle♥(RIP Rocky Gesner #446) on Thu, 27 Apr 2006 05:59:00 PST