[S.I.T.D], UV, Angels & Agony, Assemblage 23, Nonpoptale, Negative Format, Neuroticfish, Spektralized, VNV Nation, Colony 5, Beborn Beton, Code 64, Bruderschaft, Icon Of Coil, Funker Vogt, Melotron, Namnambulu, Informatik, Lights of Euphoria, Epsilon Minus, Wolfsheim, Pride and Fall, 8khz Mono, Absurd Minds, Blutengel, Covenant, Evil..s Toy, Toy, Implant, Les anges de la nuit, November Process, Parallel Project, Tristesse de la Lune, Aïboforcen, Massiv In Mensch, And One, De/Vision, Syrian, Sequencia, Seize, System 22, Razed In Black, Nebula H, Neikka RPM, Dulce Liquido, Neuroactive, Front 242, Juno Reactor, Red Flag, In Strict Confidence, L'ame Immortelle, Sero Overdose, ............, ......, ....., .....,
Pi, Kill Bill, Pulp Fiction, Cube trilogy, Stars Wars trilogy, American Beauty, A Clockwork Orange, Trainspotting, Requiem for a dream, The Prestige ...
The Pink Panther