I am interested in everything...no detail too small to momentarily fascinate me, no subject too esoteric to draw my study...BUT cannot live without Music, Poetry and Nature; invest time each day in Spirituality and laughter; will try just about anything once...for fun I prefer libraries to movie houses and picnics to restaurants. I am known for wielding a sword as sharp as my wit and am loyal to The Black Whyda, occasionally captain the Dragonfly, and can be talked into pirating for others for the right price if my crew is in other ports.
I'd like to meet:
......Grace O'Malley, Charles de Lint; Christopher Moore; Plato; Kevin Smith; Joss Whedon; Roger or Mimi; Don Quixote; almost any great musician, artist, author or thinker (and that doesn't mean famous it just means having a gift); a tattoo artist who could translate the picture in my mind onto my back; all my friends more often...someone, just once who truly saw all of me and truly let me see all of them....maybe you, if you are funny, adventurous, like magic in all its many manifestations and are willing to live in the Now...
Opera, Rock, Folk, ok, really anything that moves me. I have a constant soundtrack in my head!!! Puccini, Verdi, Queensryche, Dreamtheater, Ra, Sheryl Crow, Judy Garland, Sqirrel Nut Zippers, Schummann, Owen and the list goes on forever....music is my soul....
Leaving Normal, Once, Serenity, Pleasantville, Fisherking, Wizard of OZ, Princess Bride, Labyrinth, What the Bleep; Anything in the Leijiverse, Princess Mononoke; Lilo and Stitch, Toy Story 1&2; Anything with Doris Day, Cary Grant or Kathryn Hepburn. Again loooong list but I truly Love movies most when I share them with someone else....or when my son is involved.....
Mostly off, commercials irritate me. On DVD I love Northern Exposure, Smallville, Tudors, Firefly, Buffy, Ugly Betty, Scrubs, 30 Days, House, Andy Griffith, Lucille Ball, Gilmore Girls, and Joan of Arcadia, Muppets, Red Skelton, Scooby, PowerPuff Girls and Spongebob Squarepants.
I pick authors not specific Books, so Shakespeare, De Lint, Dylan Thomas, the Bronte's, Linda Pastan, Robert Frost, christopher Moore, Walt Whitman, Carolyn Myss, Eckhart Tolle to name a few. "Man's Search for Meaning" and the Tao Te Ching changed my life forever and have been reread multiple times. I love the written word as much as I love music, and both more than food or air.....
I'm the lai, with no sort
Of grave, solemn thought,
And I
Will never be caught
By miseries sought,
Nor sigh;
Where battles are fought
Or arguments brought,
I fly. What Poetry Form Are You?
Ghandi, Mother Therese, Dalai Llama; Pam Roman; Nicole and Cindy; Jayne and Captain Mal; anyone who does a good deed, and even you if you are honest and compassionate.
“An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody
sees it.†Ghandi