films,music,writing,and art.and (food) unfortunately.
Myspace Images @ PimpMyCom.. width="425" height="350" .... width="425" height="350" ..
Anyone cool into making films,or music.We all need to stick together.I'd also like to meet a woman who's into the same things as me.That's something I've been missing lately... width="425" height="350" ..
Mainly metal,but some old 70's and 80's shit and really old country too.New bands are cool when they don't suck!position: relative; margin-top: -13px; _top: -4px; left: 3px; height: 14px; cursor: pointer; width: 71px; border: none; "
I love horror and thrillers,as well as action.I like independent films alot.That's where film's future is.Anyone can make films with today's technology.George Lucas was right about digital film being the on my videos if you want to see some stupid funny shit! .. width="425" height="350" ..
There's never been a show better than 24.Period.
Anything by Stephen King,Dean Koontz,and not only horror,but those are two of my favorite authors.I'm a writer myself and will have some of my short stories on our website soon.(
Goerge Lucas,Charles Bronson,my dad,and lots of my friends who have lived their lives better than I have most of the time to this point.I'm doing better though.Really excited about the future.I probably have too many too list.