Hej! Mi smo Datura, anarho pank bend is Trboul. Spilamo ud 14.2. 2007 in mamo z enkrt 30+ svuajih kumadu. Kumadi guvurijo u tem, kuk j kruta realnost (strah prd drugacnostjo, vojna, unesnazenost, nacionalizem, puhlep z gnarjam, trda droga,…) pa usi bsdili so napisan u trbouskem zrgoni razn stjarih, ku so u anglescin. Ud zcjtka smo mel vaje u bajt ud Trifailu, ku so nm pusuodl tut kitare pa buobne (hvala), dokler nismo nbral duast gnarja z svuaje. Datura smo: Goran (vukal), Dejan (kitara), Marko (buobni) in Tomo (bas). Kr smo mel bsdile z npisane, smo z pu treh vajah nrdil prve tri svuaje kumade (Trboule, Pulitiki pa Mi smo Datura). S cajtam smo u bajt nrdil s 7 kumadu in jih pusnjl n kseto. Ksnej smo, cz mesc pa pou, dubil svuoj plc, ku so nm ga udstuopl Wrong Choice, hvala. Ku smo dubil svuoj plc smo zcjl igrat n pouni, vadl smo kdr smo mel cajt, tku d smo nrdil s 12 svuajih kumadu. Z enkrt smo mel dva kuncjarta (22.6. 2007 u mestnm parki u Trboulah pa 29.9.2007 u Bazeni u Krani), tu j pa tut use z zdej. ............................................................
Hey! We are Datura, anarcho punk band from Trbovlje (Slovenia). We're playing since 14.2. 2007 and we have 30+ songs for now. Songs that we play are about cruel reality (xenofobia, war, pollution, nationalism, greed for money, hard drugs,…) and all lyrics are written in our language except two of them which are in english. In the begining we played in a house of band called Trifail, who borrowed us guitars and drums (thanks), until we had enough money to buy our own instruments. Datura are: Goran (vocals), Dejan (guitar), Marko (drums) and Tomo (bass guitar). Trbovlje, Politicians and We are Datura are the first three songs that we made in first week of our playing. During the time we made 7 more songs and recorded them on tape. In about one month and a half, we got our own place for playing. Place has been given to us by band Wrong Choice, thanks. On last school day (22.6. 2007) we had our first concert in city park in Trbovlje and we also played un Kranj (29.9.2007) and this is all about us for now.
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