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I will first and foremost thank Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, for laying his life down for mine and yours. DJ Born Again is a christian, gospel dj who specializes in gospel hip hop & gospel R&B. He takes the gospel of Jesus Christ to the streets through music. He keeps it RAW for the youth in a way that they can grasp and understand the gospel, still keeping it JESUS mos' definitely without compromising. DJ Born Again was born and raised in Chicago, Il. on the Southside," the wild 100's" they call it - where he discovered his gift and love for music. He grew up listening to chicago house music (down in da basement where it was created)-popping and breaking to hip hop music. DJ Born Again realized that most of the youth today are into two things - music or sports which a lot of the time nowadays both go hand in hand. DJ Born Again, a former athlete himself - now a coach, decided to put his God given talents to work for the Lord and no longer for the devil. Shortly after He gave his life to the Lord, he still played in the clubs but realized that the music wasn't edifying, and was using his gift in the wrong way for all the wrong reasons. So, he got saved and serious and filled with the Holy Ghost, setting his soul on fire with a passion for spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ through music- for all those with ears to hear. With his beautiful wife and three kids the music he played fo sho' had to be uplifting and mos' definitely, without a doubt - Amplify Christ, & Live Him Loud!! DJ Born Again.
"For I fully expect and hope that I will never be ashamed, but that I will continue to be bold for Christ, as I have been in the past. And I trust that my life will bring honor to Christ, whether I live or die. For me, living means living for Christ, and dying is even better." Philippians 1:20-21 PRAISE THE LORD!
Contact: 925-323-4130 or [email protected] this it takes a couple of min.