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Psalm 23...The LORD is my ShepherdPsalm 23 sportswear was started in 2006 with the plans of touching souls for Christ thru our sportswear I played sports all my life and have kid's neices nephews all doing the same wearing jerseys of their favorite team players ect.Thats when the Lord gave me this vision of using this clothing line to touch souls for Christ across the Nation.Giving the glory to God making Psalm 23 a household name for everybody.We also are currently working with several music artist in designing sportwear for them and their disciples..So let's do our part in getting this word across the Nation. When we hit the pavement spreading the word we can also Wear The Word.WEAR IT! Psalm 23 (Coming soon to a house near you!)MATT:28:19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the Nations....
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