Music, Acrobatics, Yoga, Building Things on the internet, Funk Guitar, Dancing, Extreme Fitness, Performance Fitness, Accumulating Interesting Performance Skills, Theatre, Raw Foods, Total Health and well-being, Non-Duality, Vedanta and Eastern Thought, Art, Anthropology, Astronomy, High-Energy Physics,Human Potential
Junkie XL, Paramore, Bach, Funk, Jazz, sanskrit devotional slokas, empire strikes back film score and tron film score, 80s Pop, Latin Pop, Pink Floyd
What Dreams May Come, The Fifth Element, Contact, Star Wars, Tron
Absolutely Fabulous, South Park
Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Dancing Wu Lee Masters, Tao Te Ching, Tao Of Physics, various other Taos, Autobiography Of A Yogi,Book Of Secrets and Seven Spiritual Laws Of Success by Depak Chopra, Machine Beauty, Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy and the rest of Douglas Adams' books...
Paramahansa Yogananda Swami Vivekananda Mahatma Gandhi Lao Tzu Albert Einstein