Theology, My Doggies, Karma/Dharma, Humanity, Peace, Ideology. The pairs of opposites. Vedic Astrology. Headstands and The Wheel. Meditiation. Non Attachment. Yoga Yoga Yoga and more Yoga:)
Just some random pics that have no relationship to anything.... the sleeping doggie is my little girlie Dot... She is... Bhakti:)
Rhythm is what I was born under. Music is always floating around my head. Im a huge fan of KCRW... Jason Bently always has a great show. Nocturna is pretty cool too. I really started getting into UNKLE... War Stories is a brilliant piece of work. Wilco has come a long way with Blue Sky Blue. The Album reminds me of Arlo Gunthrie. I'm just really vibing on it lately... Techno, Drum and Bass, Electronica, are fun to just loose yourself in... The rhythms are very meditative. I LUV Trance dance stone cold sober.
The Diving Bell and The Butterfly.... The Lives of Others... Lust/Caution.... Most of Hitchcock's Works: Rope, Rear Window, North by Northwest, Birds, Orson Wells: Citizen Kane, A Touch of Evil...
I have one... mounted on the wall. I watch it waaaayyy too much when I'm home. I cant even say that there is anything spectacular about TV. History Channel International is one of my fav's
Books and language are paramount to me. Im a huge fan of existentialist writting! Sartre "Nausea" and Albert Camus "The Stranger and The Fall" The Journals of Anais Nin. I have read most of the American classics: Faulkner, Hemmingway, Sanlinger, Steinbeck, Vonnegut... for fauder I love Virgina Wolf and Truman Capote they have beautifuly cutting observations!!!~
My Husband and Son.... Seekers of truth and Universal Consciousness.As of 4/8/08... The guys that have strapped themselves to the Golden Gate Bridge to protest the Olympics in China... Free Tibet!!!! You guys ROCK!!