If you like us, we adore you.
If you hate us, we don't care.
Our goals are set either way.
If anything, we just want you to hear us.
There are too many bands in this world who make sacrifices that only hurt their cause. Especially those who claim their faith in Christianity. They either give up originality and emotion for acceptance in the "religious" community, or all together cover up a once straightforward message about their mission as a band. We are sick and tired of this "American" Christianity as it has so been called.
and messages of a distorted and cultivated faith are things we want nothing to do with.
We have one purpose as a band and that is to show the world a side of Christianity that is not a religion, that does not display ignorance, and gives hope to those who need it most. We are Hallow and we are rising up from the darkness of Sin City.