About Me
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HERE'S THE OBLIGATORY FAVOURITE BAND LIST --- NOVEMBRE, SWALLOW THE SUN, Gates of Ishtar, In Flames(earlier stuff), Dark Tranquillity, In Ruins, Insomnium, Eternal Tears of Sorrow, Kalmah, Mors Principium Est, Enter my Silence, Quo Vadis, Watch Me Fall, Yyrkoon, Ensiferum, The Rapture, Sentenced, At The Gates, Amon Amarth, Falkenbach, Ablaze My Sorrow, Soilwork, Old Man's Child, The Duskfall, Arch Enemy, Dissection, Eucharist, Sacrelege, Anathema, Of the Wand and the Moon, Katatonia, Oceans of Sadness, My Dying Bride, Amorphis, November's Doom, Type O Negative, Paradise Lost, Opeth, Ensiferum, Iron Maiden, Helloween, Europe, Manowar, Doomsword, Skid Row, Six Feet Under, Benediction, Carnal Forge, Darkest Hour, Dew Scented, Dimension Zero, Cannibal Corpse, Cryptopsy, Carcass, The Nephilim, Hypocrisy, Entombed, Vital Remains, Mortician, Primordial, Burzum, Dark Funeral, Hecate Enthroned, Abigor, Carpathian Forest, Gorgoroth, DarkThrone, Enslaved and many more. Other non-metal faves include The Smiths, Cure, Depeche Mode, Counting Crows, The Frames, The Doors, Mundy, Whipping Boy, Sophie Zelmani, Portishead, Crowded House, The Bravery, Bush, Unbelievable Truth, Smashing Pumpkins, a-ha, Mike Oldfield, Soundgarden, The Police, Snow Patrol, Coldplay, U2, Ani Difranco and loads more.
************************************************Well, a little about me then. I sit and think a lot about stuff like life, death, afterlife etc when I really should be concentrating on the here and now. But what can you do? I appreciate the company of a person that can sit in silence for an hour without the need to fill that silence with inane chatter. Sometimes so much more can be related when there is not a single word uttered. I'm prone to "zoning out" a lot as anyone who knows me will tell you.********************************************************
****************************************************I recently completed a full time Sound Engineering and Music Technology course, achieving a Distinction & a Merit which landed me near the top of my class. I'm very interested in music technology and hope, in a few years to have a semi-pro studio set up.I now work for Ireland's National TV station, RTE as a TV Sound Operator on a part time basis. I'm well chuffed with the job as it's the reason I went to college. Hopefully it will eventually become a full time position, but for now, I'm more than happy to put in a few hours every week.I have been doing some live engineering recently and find it very rewarding. I've worked on several small intimate set ups aswell as larger gigs. I also work on the set up of larger events (O2 in the park/RDS shows) which I enjoy immensely.**************************************************
**********************************************************I am hugely into photography and carry my camera with me as often as possible. I have just upgraded to a FUJI Finepix S9600 which is the serious fucking business!! I'm looking forward to taking her out!
************************************************I love music. It is my life. If I were made to choose between going blind or deaf, losing sight or sound, I would happily embrace the black knowing I would always have my music. I play guitar and have done for the last ten years or so. I fiddle with the bass, drums and I'm taking a healthy interest in the piano.******************************************************
******************************************************I love to read. (Classic & Contemporary Horror, Fantasy, Sci Fi, History, Poetry). I've always been very interested in all things esoteric and have amassed (both bought and borrowed!) a well rounded collection of books on the subject, most of which are regularly re-read. Religions, cultures & ethos fascinate me and I'm at my happiest when I'm talking late into the night with someone who shares this interest. I used to write, but haven't put pen to paper in a long time. Maybe I will in the future, I don't know.
************************************************I Produce and Co-Present a late night Extreme Metal and Rock show on Dublin City Anna Livia FM . We broadcast across Dublin on 103.2FM and worlwide on www.dublincityannaliviafm.com every Thursday from 22.00 until 23.00. You can visit our MYSPACE PAGE if you want to add your band. Message us and we'll send you the postal details to send your band's demo to and get your music broadcast worldwide.**************************************************
**********************************************************I love my girlfriend Kayt who has made me happy in so many ways I never knew possible....************************************************