(we simply don't have the funds, sorry)
Please don't add us unless you dig our music!** Current Releases (click the cd to buy them)
25 Ta Life / In Search Of (split cd):
25 Ta Life and In Search Of team up to bring you 8 songs of fury and 1 kick ass video!
Sutter Kane - The End Of Silence:
Heavy hardcore ala Hatebreed with a crushing metal edge!
The Blackout - Holding On:
6 powerful songs of finger pointing pile-on Hardcore with an old school feel.
4 way hardcore split featuring:
Colin Of Arabia, In Search Of, Blood Stands Still and Stop This Fall.3 songs from each band. Hailed as an instant classic!
Heartfelt Discord - Something From Within:
Kick ass fugazi meets sick of it all style hardcore!
Eyes Of Hate - S/T:
15 songs of fast old school favorites from one of the most underated NYHC bands!
One Win Choice - All The Kings Men:
Fast Punk-Hardcore with bad ass grooves and melody!
Of Fate And Chance -Grasp The Open Hand:
8 songs of melody, aggression and talented song writing. It's hard to describe the sound, but any fan of Punk, Hardcore, Ska or even Emo should be pleased.
Flat Earth Society - S/T:
The band that launched SR way back in 99. This cd features 9 great punk/hardcore classics, plus the video that was featured on the first edition of the Guerilla Warfare Video Fanzine!
Implode - S/T:
11 solid tracks of straight ahead lyrics flowing with heart felt emotion preaching positivity. Couple that with music that makes you want to stand up and stomp around your bedroom, you have a phenomenal classic old school NJ cd!
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