Scorpion Records profile picture

Scorpion Records

God called, he said your pants are too tight

About Me

Scorpion Records was started in 1999 after dealing with a growing number of people in the music industry as well as show promoters. It became obvious, bands (unfortunately) need label backing to succeed. Although, sometimes the backing goes as quickly as it came if the bands don't produce enough money for the label. We decided to try and create something unique. A label that acts like a family, with bands that help support each other to achieve their goals. A label that gives the artist freedom to create what they believe in while giving them the backing of a label that so many industry people insist you need. We don't limit ourselves to any one style band nor do we ever plan to. In an industry that is too often "what can you do for me" we try and take the stand, "how can we help each other".
(we simply don't have the funds, sorry)
Please don't add us unless you dig our music!**
Current Releases (click the cd to buy them)

25 Ta Life / In Search Of (split cd):
25 Ta Life and In Search Of team up to bring you 8 songs of fury and 1 kick ass video!

Sutter Kane - The End Of Silence:
Heavy hardcore ala Hatebreed with a crushing metal edge!
The Blackout - Holding On:
6 powerful songs of finger pointing pile-on Hardcore with an old school feel.
4 way hardcore split featuring:
Colin Of Arabia, In Search Of, Blood Stands Still and Stop This Fall.
3 songs from each band. Hailed as an instant classic!
Heartfelt Discord - Something From Within:
Kick ass fugazi meets sick of it all style hardcore!
Eyes Of Hate - S/T:
15 songs of fast old school favorites from one of the most underated NYHC bands!
One Win Choice - All The Kings Men:
Fast Punk-Hardcore with bad ass grooves and melody!
Of Fate And Chance -Grasp The Open Hand:
8 songs of melody, aggression and talented song writing. It's hard to describe the sound, but any fan of Punk, Hardcore, Ska or even Emo should be pleased.
Flat Earth Society - S/T:
The band that launched SR way back in 99. This cd features 9 great punk/hardcore classics, plus the video that was featured on the first edition of the Guerilla Warfare Video Fanzine!
Implode - S/T:
11 solid tracks of straight ahead lyrics flowing with heart felt emotion preaching positivity. Couple that with music that makes you want to stand up and stomp around your bedroom, you have a phenomenal classic old school NJ cd!
Put our banner on your website!

My Interests


Member Since: 1/3/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Click the band to view their personal pages..
In Search Of
The Blackout
Sutter Kane
Heartfelt Discord
One Win Choice
Of Fate And Chance
Eyes Of Hate
Test Of Courage
Influences: Hardcore, Punk, Metal and everything else that doesn't suck!
Sounds Like: Bane, With Honor, Terror, Stretch Arm Strong, Sick Of It All, Shai Hulud, Most Precious Blood, Blood For Blood, Ignite, Minor Threat, Indecision, Thursday, Good Riddance, Strength 691, In My Eyes, Coalesce, Donnybrook, Guns Up, Colin Of Arabia, 25 Ta Life, Heartfelt Discord, Champion, Converge, This Day Forward, Lifetime, Eyehategod, Texas Is The Reason, Lungfish, Cro Mags, For the love of, Far, Stop This Fall, The Blackout, Pennywise, Comeback Kid, Gorilla Biscuits, Side By Side, Ensign, In Search Of, Agnostic Front, Youth Of Today, Hatebreed, Icepick, Full Blown Chaos, The Risk Taken, Subzero, Murphy's Law, 100 demons, Inside Out, Outbreak, Death Before Dishonor, Give Up The Ghost, Sworn Enemy
Record Label: We ARE a record label!
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

more ranting...

I posted this as abulletin the other day and thought "this should stay on the page and hopefully bands who stop by will read it".Probably not, but it's worth a show.  Feel free to repost or steal...
Posted by Scorpion Records on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 08:55:00 PST

PLEASE watch this!

I know most of you are ADD driven, so if you have to watch 10 minutes a day... DO IT!Send it to EVERYONE you know. Watch it over and over. Look into what they're telling you. Bring the subjects up ...
Posted by Scorpion Records on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 09:35:00 PST

spam code, approved comments, your an asshole

Why the hell are you losers so god damn scared of what people might post on your pages that you activate the "pussy" code machine?  Oh no, someone might write a poopy word on my page in the 5 sec...
Posted by Scorpion Records on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 09:36:00 PST

HTML, why we don't allow it..

because bands seem to think label's myspace pages are their own personal promotion page and slap up a billion banners that take waaaaaay too long to load!  we want people to come and focus on our...
Posted by Scorpion Records on Sat, 09 Dec 2006 09:43:00 PST

Why haven't we approved you?

we're in the long process of posting a banner in the comments section of every friend we have. "So What" you say? Well, since myspace is kinda retarded, if we add friends while doing this it messes...
Posted by Scorpion Records on Sat, 23 Sep 2006 10:39:00 PST

Bands, read this before adding us

Honestly, we're very open minded and love all styles of music.  But if your a pop, acoustic, country, latin, jazz, or any other non heavy music, chances are you have NO shot at all of working wit...
Posted by Scorpion Records on Sat, 08 Apr 2006 11:40:00 PST

Praise the lord... or i'll have to kill you!

Leviticus 20:9 If anyone curses his father or mother, he must be put to death. 20:10 If a man commits adultery with another man's wifewith the wife of his neighborboth the adulterer and the adul...
Posted by Scorpion Records on Mon, 27 Feb 2006 10:03:00 PST


no, i didn't comment on all my new adds.  why?  because they're all bands who just want a deal, not fans of our music.  and that sucks!
Posted by Scorpion Records on Fri, 24 Feb 2006 03:56:00 PST


In Search Of need a new drummer.  Mail themat: [email protected]  hear them:   if you can't play what you hear, please don't inquire.  if your in an...
Posted by Scorpion Records on Tue, 20 Dec 2005 04:23:00 PST

In Search Of and The Blackout hit Canada!!

10/14/2005 07:00 PM  -  ANTI 725 Côte D'Abraham, Quebec,  -  $8All Ages with: In Search Of, The Blackout, Undertaker + tba 10/15/2005 07:00 PM  -  Chevaliers d...
Posted by Scorpion Records on Tue, 11 Oct 2005 11:30:00 PST