As you may have guessed, I'm a Ute Indian. I am a registered member of the Southern Ute Indian Tribe, hailing from Ignacio, Colorado. Check out our Tribal website at
Most of these pics of these NDNs on my site are of Ute people.
Although initially I thought I had decided not to talk too much about religion on mymymymyspace, I really can't deny the fact that I love religions, diversity, and sharing my faith with others. Most of you know I'm a religious schizophrenic, so we'll just leave at that for the time being. That being said, I will add that I love all religions, and most religions love me. (I might retract the former part of that statement if we are talking about true, evil Satanism or "devil worship"). I will be posting some pics of some of my favorite deities (which outta really freak people out, but I gotta keep you all on your TOES, ya know?) If you want to know more about my religious diversity, message me n let me know. I've spent time studying many religions, from Hinduism to Christianity, to Fundamentalist Mormonism, to the Baha'i Faith. I personally identify with a number of religions, but am continually drawn to the Roman Catholic Faith.
Here is an image of some world's religious symbols:
And a beautiful rendition of Ganesh, the Remover of Obstacles, and Diety honored first among the Celestials in Hinduism:
We pray to Ganesh before we begin any act, most especially before such important occasions such as getting married, or opening a new business. Ganesh is a loving diety with child-like sentiments and is a lover of sweet goodies. We honor him before all other dieties. Shri Ganeshiye Namaha!
I will continue by reiterating that I love all religions, and personally identify with a number of them. In all religions I have found the Truth. I have found within myself That Essence which pervades all religions n spiritual traditions. I continue to learn and grow when it comes to religion, and it doesn't look like I'll be stopping any time soon!
My children have been instilled with a God-conciousness, and their Catholic "roots". My kids are smart and know a great deal, not only about academics, but a LOT about how life works and how people are. They have such good manners and a fresh perspective on life, it brings me such joy. DD is 18 and done with school, and DS goes to the local YR public school--of which I have mixed feelings on, but it is what it is. I'm very proud of both my kids. I love my son, no doubt, but my girl Chelsey is the daughter I always wanted--even with and despite all her shortcomings! I SO admire her character and spirit. In some ways she is like me, and in some ways she is totally different! I know she will make a great mother when it is her time, and hopefully a good wife, too! I love her SO much--she will never know, nor can I ever describe it, so I won't even try. If I were a teen girl I would SO want her to be my friend, cuz I know she's a true-blue and loyal friend to the end. I LOVE YOU CHELSEY!!!
We recently added to our family--Echo Merry, I mean you! What a gem of a child--hard working, studious, disciplined. She has added a new delight to my life.
I love my 2005 "Screaming Yellow" Ford Mustang! You gotta check it out!! On July 13th of '06, some 17 year old KID with NO driver's license backed INTO my BEAUTIFUL Mustang. I was shocked and actually managed not to strangle him. He totally smashed in the passenger's side rear quarter panel. I don't have any pics available of the damage, but a good friend of ours (Todd--see the pics of him on the mic to the left) works at a collision repair shop and we trusted him to fix it. Todd suggested painting racing stripes on it so we had him go ahead and do it. Then he suggested making the spoiler/fin black too, so we went with that suggestion. I got the car back and was amazed at how good it looked and what a gorgeous job Todd and his crew did on it. You can't see where it had been hit (YESSSSSSS!) and the whole car looks HOT. OMG!! It looks so d*mn good that I just stand in the garage and look at it. Yeah Todd--you da MAN!! Here are the updated pics of my HOT STANG with the new wheels n tires. Everyday I look at it, I sigh with satisfaction, and thank my lucky stars (and my hubby, who signed for the loan.)
AFTER--View from the front:
AFTER--View from the back. Check out my Mortal Enemy sticker!!
I have a wonderful sister here in the city, a brother in Chicago, a brother in Colorado, as well as my best friend not more than a couple miles from my house, and my other best friend chillaxin' in ALABAMA! (What the hell she is doing there isn't the question. Her hubby is in the Army and she basically goes where he is sent. How she can STAND living in ALABAMA I can't figure out.) I wouldn't have made it this far without my friends and family!
I've spent a lot of time studying other religions and cultures, and so I cherish all nations and creeds. I love all of God's creatures and deeply respect their religious beliefs. I welcome all to dialogue with me. I make no distinctions between any race or color, creed, or class.
To all my Muslim brothers and sisters I give the salaams and blessings. Asalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuhu.