UTE_NDN profile picture


I laid my eggs 36 hours ago...do you think they're ripe yet??

About Me

As you may have guessed, I'm a Ute Indian. I am a registered member of the Southern Ute Indian Tribe, hailing from Ignacio, Colorado. Check out our Tribal website at http://www.southern-ute.nsn.us
Most of these pics of these NDNs on my site are of Ute people.

I'm happily married to Sean, the lead guitarist of Mortal Enemy--check them out at http://www.myspace.com/xxmortalxxenemyxx and also http://www.mortal-enemy.com The music is KILLER for those who like heavy metal. However my music interests are extremely diverse, so I also like softer stuff like Gregorian chant, SOME country, SOME folk music, children's songs, old 80s pop and of course old 80s metal (remember Poison, Dokken, and Guns n Roses??), modern metal and alternative rock, techno, as well as foreign music like Arabic pop music, Qur'aan recitations, and even punjabi Bhangra. Not to mention some traditional Catholic/Christian hymns, Arabic and English Nasheeds, and then of course, NDN music--war dances, jingle dress dances, crow hops, sneak ups (one of my FAVES), Bear Dances (exclusive to my own Tribe), and Sun Dances. I have Sirius sattelite radio in my MUSTANG and just love it--I get pretty much any type of popular music you can think of. Thanks Sean! It was my Christmas present.

Although initially I thought I had decided not to talk too much about religion on mymymymyspace, I really can't deny the fact that I love religions, diversity, and sharing my faith with others. Most of you know I'm a religious schizophrenic, so we'll just leave at that for the time being. That being said, I will add that I love all religions, and most religions love me. (I might retract the former part of that statement if we are talking about true, evil Satanism or "devil worship"). I will be posting some pics of some of my favorite deities (which outta really freak people out, but I gotta keep you all on your TOES, ya know?) If you want to know more about my religious diversity, message me n let me know. I've spent time studying many religions, from Hinduism to Christianity, to Fundamentalist Mormonism, to the Baha'i Faith. I personally identify with a number of religions, but am continually drawn to the Roman Catholic Faith.

Here is an image of some world's religious symbols:

And a beautiful rendition of Ganesh, the Remover of Obstacles, and Diety honored first among the Celestials in Hinduism:

We pray to Ganesh before we begin any act, most especially before such important occasions such as getting married, or opening a new business. Ganesh is a loving diety with child-like sentiments and is a lover of sweet goodies. We honor him before all other dieties. Shri Ganeshiye Namaha!

I will continue by reiterating that I love all religions, and personally identify with a number of them. In all religions I have found the Truth. I have found within myself That Essence which pervades all religions n spiritual traditions. I continue to learn and grow when it comes to religion, and it doesn't look like I'll be stopping any time soon!

Chelsey 17, and Aydric, 7

My children have been instilled with a God-conciousness, and their Catholic "roots". My kids are smart and know a great deal, not only about academics, but a LOT about how life works and how people are. They have such good manners and a fresh perspective on life, it brings me such joy. DD is 18 and done with school, and DS goes to the local YR public school--of which I have mixed feelings on, but it is what it is. I'm very proud of both my kids. I love my son, no doubt, but my girl Chelsey is the daughter I always wanted--even with and despite all her shortcomings! I SO admire her character and spirit. In some ways she is like me, and in some ways she is totally different! I know she will make a great mother when it is her time, and hopefully a good wife, too! I love her SO much--she will never know, nor can I ever describe it, so I won't even try. If I were a teen girl I would SO want her to be my friend, cuz I know she's a true-blue and loyal friend to the end. I LOVE YOU CHELSEY!!!

We recently added to our family--Echo Merry, I mean you! What a gem of a child--hard working, studious, disciplined. She has added a new delight to my life.
I love my 2005 "Screaming Yellow" Ford Mustang! You gotta check it out!! On July 13th of '06, some 17 year old KID with NO driver's license backed INTO my BEAUTIFUL Mustang. I was shocked and actually managed not to strangle him. He totally smashed in the passenger's side rear quarter panel. I don't have any pics available of the damage, but a good friend of ours (Todd--see the pics of him on the mic to the left) works at a collision repair shop and we trusted him to fix it. Todd suggested painting racing stripes on it so we had him go ahead and do it. Then he suggested making the spoiler/fin black too, so we went with that suggestion. I got the car back and was amazed at how good it looked and what a gorgeous job Todd and his crew did on it. You can't see where it had been hit (YESSSSSSS!) and the whole car looks HOT. OMG!! It looks so d*mn good that I just stand in the garage and look at it. Yeah Todd--you da MAN!! Here are the updated pics of my HOT STANG with the new wheels n tires. Everyday I look at it, I sigh with satisfaction, and thank my lucky stars (and my hubby, who signed for the loan.)


AFTER--View from the front:

AFTER--View from the back. Check out my Mortal Enemy sticker!!
I have a wonderful sister here in the city, a brother in Chicago, a brother in Colorado, as well as my best friend not more than a couple miles from my house, and my other best friend chillaxin' in ALABAMA! (What the hell she is doing there isn't the question. Her hubby is in the Army and she basically goes where he is sent. How she can STAND living in ALABAMA I can't figure out.) I wouldn't have made it this far without my friends and family!

I've spent a lot of time studying other religions and cultures, and so I cherish all nations and creeds. I love all of God's creatures and deeply respect their religious beliefs. I welcome all to dialogue with me. I make no distinctions between any race or color, creed, or class.

To all my Muslim brothers and sisters I give the salaams and blessings. Asalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuhu.

My Interests

Above: A Ute family.

A Baha'i picture of the Greatest Name--God the Most Glorious:

I have a special love for Our Lady of Guadalupe, "Goddess of the Americas." No, I don't want anyone messaging me telling me she isn't a Goddess! Whatever your beliefs, I have a great devotion to Nuestra Senora de Guadalupana. Here is a bust image of Her in all Her glory:

Reading (mostly non-fiction although I do love the classics), writing, music (all kinds), children and homeschooling/how they learn, anthropology, physics, psychiatry, health, medicine, zoology and geology, astronomy, languages, cultures, and other religions and cultures, both historical and modern.

An image of the Medicine Buddha:

Tayata Om Bhekandzye Bhekandzye Maha Bhekandzye (Bhekandzye) Radza Samudgate Soha! It is said that this short mantra of the Medicine Buddha brings inconceivable merit. If you recite the mantra every day, the buddhas and bodhisattvas will always pay attention to you, and they will guide you. All your negative karmas will be pacified and you will never be born in the three lower realms. Just hearing a recitation of the names of the eight tathagatas pacifies all diseases and spirit harms, and all your wishes are fulfilled.

I'd like to meet:

My "cuz" Princess Diana, may she rest in peace.

Mother Teresa--a saint in life and in death

Another saint in life and death: Pope John Paul II

Here's one you don't see much--the late JPII kissing the Qur'aan. There has been some controversy regarding this picture, but actions do speak louder than words.

Who wouldn't want to meet this guy?! He's got a nice...uh...tattoo...umm...yeah...-evil grin-

It would be great to meet any of the religious and/or historical leaders and thinkers of the past and the present--those who made a real impact on humanity. I'm thinking of them ALL--Muhammad, Jesus, Krishna, any of the Catholic Saints, Kuan Yin, Buddha, Abraham, Moses, Confucius, Mother Teresa, Paramhansa Yogananda, Chief Joseph, Geronimo, Chief Seattle, Custer, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, JFK, Regan, Stephen Hawking, Einstein, John Nash, Nikola Tesla, Art Bell, George Bent (whom I'm named after), whoever wrote the Urantia Book, Charlotte Mason, Jane Austen, Hippocrates, Socrates, Darwin, Albert Schweitzer, Emil Kraepelin, Carl Jung, Eugen Bleuler, Anne Besant, Lama Surya Das, the 14th Dalai Lama, Henry Ford, Muhammad Ali, Martin Luther King, Jr., Harriet Tubman, Pablo Picasso, Sigmund Freud, Gandhi, Helen Keller and her teacher, Annie Sullivan, the Empress Theodora, Neil Armstrong, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Sacajawea (sp),Nelson Mandela, Indira Gandhi and her son, Rajiv, Queen Victoria, Queen Elizabeth, Margaret Mead, Ferdinand & Isabella, Eric the Red and his son, Leif, King Arthur--any and all of the great leaders n peeps. Heck, for that matter, I'd even like to meet some of the weird and scary people--Hitler, Stalin, Napoleon, Fidel Castro, Jack the Ripper, Hanibal the Cannibal, Mao Zedong, the BTK Killer, Ayatollah Khomeini, Ghenghis Khan, Saddam Hussein, Ivan the Terrible, etc. You get the idea. Why, you ask? I'd like to talk to these people, pick their brains (not literally!) and see what makes them tick. Were they born that way?!

Here's a pic of the Ute Chief Ouray and his wife Chipeta:


I like all kinds of music, from metal to Gregorian chant, folk tunes, kids tunes, Nasheeds, Arabic pop, Spanish flamenco, tejano, Punjabi Bhangra, classical music (I especially like Bach), traditional Native American Flute music, and New Age stuff. Oh, and of course, traditional Native war dance songs, Sun dance songs, and Bear Dance songs.

Here is a video of SNAP and Bhangra mixed--it rocks!

My favorite metal band is Mortal Enemy. Here is a recent pic of the guys--don't they look goooooooood? Especially the 2nd guy from the right--MINE MINE MINE!

Here are some more pics of the guys at their concerts around the city:

Below: My husband rocking out--he kicks *SS on the guitar!

Todd at the mic and Matt on the axe:

Lance doin the percussion thang:

The whole band rocking out:

My man and Matt flailing on their guitars:

The Mortal Enemy girls with Enigma at the Tattoo Expo before the performance:

And I saved the best for last--my husband Sean after a concert at a local venue:

Any of you out there ever play Super Mario Brothers?? Check this guy out!



All time fave: The GODFATHER trilogy:

Don Vito Corleone and the Corleone brothers--from the Godfather Part IDon Michael Corleone from the Godfather Part IIDon Vincent Corleone from the Godfather Part III

Fave contemporary: Star Wars Episode III (Where Anakin turns to the Dark Side)

Fave Classic: Gone With the Wind

The Scorpion King--too bad his real name is Dwayne!

Other good ones: Titanic, Star Trek (TNG), Sweet Home Alabama, What Dreams May Come, and of course all the other Star Wars ones.

Lately I've been into watching some (semi) scary movies. The movies tend to freak me out now that I'm not a wild teen anymore, but I've been in the mood. The Omen was good (the new one and the old one), the Blair Witch Project, Saw I (not really a scary movie, tho, right?) I'm gearing up to watch the Exorcism of Emily Rose, and then I'm gonna put on a brave face and watch the new Amityville Horror. That's a true story donchaknow!

This is what Yoda would look like if he was NDN:


Television?! Who would waste their time watching TV? Okay, if I *HAVE* to watch it, I prefer something educational such as NGeo, all the Discovery channels, Military Channel, History Channel, Science channel, etc. I really enjoy watching medical documentaries and also documentaries about space and the planets n stuff, and the occasional medical mystery and ONCE IN A WHILE something (mostly stupid) like CSI, etc.

You Are 60% Weird
You're so weird, you think you're *totally* normal. Right?
But you wig out even the biggest of circus freaks! How Weird Are You?


Sheesh, where to begin? Of course, I enjoy anything religious, being the religious schizophrenic that I have proved to be: the Bible; the Qur'aan; the Bhagavad Gita; the Vedas; the Upanishads; the I-Ching (though I couldn't get into that much); etc.
I also like the Godfather, the Sicilian, and When Fools Die, and the Last Don by Mario Puzo; and Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell; the whole Clan of the Cave Bear series by Jean M. Auel; Pride & Prejudice, Emma, and Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen; and most of the classics although I haven't read nearly as many as I'd like! I also like the fairy tales by Hans Christian Anderson and the Brothers Grimm, Mother Goose (lol); historical novels and historical fiction; anything on anthropology as long as it's not boring; pretty much anything on education; children; and homeschooling; the Diet Revolution and Diet for a New America by Robbins; anything about vegetarianism (although I'm not an vegan by any means--it's just a healthier diet); Halfbreed by Halaas and Masich(about my not too distant relative, George Bent); Catholic Homeschooling by Mary Kay Clark; anything Laura Ingalls Wilder (thanks Daddy for those books); Divine Intimacy; anything by or about the late Pope John Paul II; Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis; the Rule of St. Benedict by Benedict of Nursia; the Prophet by Kahlil Gibran; Surviving Schizophrenia by E. Fuller Torrey; Awakening to the Sacred by Lama Surya Das; and also his other book, Awakening the Buddha Within; anything by or about Paramahansa Yogananda; anything by Maulana Muhammad Ali (yes, he's Ahmadiyya but I love him anyway); the Ideal Muslimah and the Ideal Muslim by Muhammad Ali al-Hashimi; and the classic Ihya Ulum-Id-Deen by Imam Ghazzali; the Diary of St. Maria Faustina Kowalska; Sink Reflections by Martha Cilley aka the FlyLady, the Autobiography of St. Teresa of Avila; the Collected Works of St. John of the Cross; Story of a Soul by St. Therese of Lisieux--basically any Catholic classic...; A Brief History of Time by Stephen Hawking; ...I can go on, and I will, but later...you get the idea--I like to read!


My husband Sean--he stuck by me through the good times and the (super) bad times, and put up with all my ups and downs, and continues to put up with my eccentric behavior. Sean, YOU ROCK!

My two best friends who have been with me since we were barely teens...My Eesha and my Jiffy Pop...we've had some fun times, have been together through the difficult times, fought over the (mostly lame) guys, shared what we had, and we've emerged unscathed. They are numero uno in my libro! I have lots of pics and memories to take with me when it's my time. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!! I mith U both n wish you would and could come over more often! What would I do without you two??!

Marisa, my sweet Muslimah ukhti, and also Asma', my other Muslimah ukhti, and of course, Raehanna, my best Muslimah ukhti...you three mean the world to me...your taqwa inspires me to be the best person I can be. I encourage you in your Islaam and ask that you make du'aa for me. May Allaah subhanahu wa ta'ala bless and protect you and your families, now and always, ameen.

Amber, my wonderful special girlhood friend...I love you n am so glad you are here in the city with me. Keeping in touch with you keeps me sane!

To Sue, my true sister whom I love--I know you are here for me and I'm sorry I'm so lame sometimes. Thank you for being here for me when I need you--I'll get you your $45 ASAP...yeah...lol.

To everyone I have mentioned: For all you have done for me, I love you, I am grateful to you, I am indebted to you. I know I can never repay you, nor would any of you ask that of me. I can't figure out why you all still love me after all the sh*t I've put you through...but here we are. I couldn't amass enough wealth to compensate for all you've done for me, so know that you are in my heart forever...you are never more than a thought and a prayer away.

Here is a pic of one of my bestest friends and the love of my life

My Blog

Final flip flop and shameless plug for my new website

Okay, okay, this is it.  I'm returning to the Catholic Faith!!  This is it, my final flip flop!!  I mean it!!!! And that's all I have to say about that. http://www.boise-catholic.net&nb...
Posted by UTE_NDN on Mon, 10 Mar 2008 06:20:00 PST


Q.  What do you think a problem is?A.  It is a roadblock to success. Q.  Could you describe one of yours in just one sentence?A.  I am an addict, although not currently drinking al...
Posted by UTE_NDN on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 03:35:00 PST


Q.  What is "thought" to you?A.  Thought is creative power. Q.  Where does it come from?A.  Thought comes from our minds. Q.  How do we originate it?A.  We create it out ...
Posted by UTE_NDN on Tue, 11 Dec 2007 03:25:00 PST

I’ll be home for Christmas...

Well, true dat...I'll be home for Christmas.  I asked my spiritual mother what Baha'i's do for Christmas, and she says we celebrate the holy days of other Manifestations, of course!  Just wi...
Posted by UTE_NDN on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 09:41:00 PST

Happy Turkle Day from beautiful Colorado

Happy Thanksgiving to all my peeps.  I'm in beautiful Colorado, and really, my stay here isn't too bad.  I have made a "new beginning" and am acquiring a "Peaceful Spirit."  Some o...
Posted by UTE_NDN on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 02:23:00 PST

God-damanded U-turn

Well it's a silly subject heading I know, but it's pretty accurate, actually.  I was headed in one direction, and then God demanded a U-turn.  Well, I had SOMETHING to do with it, but just a...
Posted by UTE_NDN on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 12:43:00 PST


Well here I am again, seeking, searching, yearning.  And what did I discover?  I discovered the writings of Baha'u'llah.  Who?! Baha'u'llah is the Prophet-Founder of the Baha'i Faith, a...
Posted by UTE_NDN on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 04:56:00 PST

Homeschooling failure

Well, I guess I'm what you would call a homeschooling failure.  I don't want to pull a poor-pity-me trip and blame it all on myself, because in all fairness Aydric isn't that anxious or eager to ...
Posted by UTE_NDN on Fri, 11 May 2007 09:04:00 PST

First Holy Communion

Aydric made his First Holy Communion yesterday, May 6 2007 at the 6 pm Mass at St. ________ Catholic Church.  It was a small Mass but that served to make it seem more intimate and special, w...
Posted by UTE_NDN on Mon, 07 May 2007 09:09:00 PST

My new Blogger account

My new blog--go check it out.
Posted by UTE_NDN on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 01:32:00 PST