Music, Music, Music! Community involvement, hosting gatherings, anything for shock value, movies, road trips with the girls and of course being the centre of attention! Ya Know!
I have a very eclectic library of music. I have been professionally trained in Italian Opera, Jazz and Theater. My real passion is old and new school R&B, hip hop. Im also a singer, guitar and flute player.
Napoleon Dynamite!!!! Loves it! Once again very eclectic library of DVDs. I like anything from Casino, Kill Bill and Fight Club to Waiting to Exhale, Love Jones and The Note book. Im down for whatever!
Greys Anatomy and Desperate House Wives are a must see! Other than that Im not really a TV junky. Id rather have my own adventures as opposed to living vicariously through people on TV.
Women Who Run with The Wolves is at the top of my list
My Mom!!!! Such a strong independent women!