.jasmine. profile picture


natural beauty takes at least 3 hours infront of a mirror

About Me

I'm 1/4 city girl and 3/4 country gal and i wouldn't change that for the world. I grew up on a farm and i'm proud of my roots. i think it's definately shaped me into who i've become. I'm the city girl with the country attitude. I like to wear my sunglasses too big and my shirts too small... im a complete girl in the sense that i always want everything to match and i have a very cluttered walk in closet. i have an obsession with crazy shoes and shoes that i dont think most girls would dare to wear. I have many friends but only a handful that i can see as lifelong friendships. my friends are my life and i would do anything for any of them. these are the friends that i know would never hurt me intentionally in any way. im opinionated, superficial and materialistic.. if you dont like it i dont care.i say pretty much, like and so basically in almost every other sentence. i love the colours red and baby blue.. but not together. im an english major and i hate reading. i do quite well in geography even though i can't tell the difference between north and south. im the queen of procrastination. i will find ANYTHING to do instead of study or do homework. im in love with the idea of being in love. im small...some people say im cute. dallas green is my hero. if i could make love to his voice i would. i've been in love with Jordan Knight since i was 6 and i still am. i could never live without music. i love compliments (but what girl doesnt?). i ♥ snow. i love catching snowflakes on my tongue. i love my snowboard almost as much as i love my friends. i may seem like a bitch... but i promise im not trying to be one... unless you've given me reason. i give everyone respect as long as respect is given to me in return. i dislike cheaters, liars, homewreckers, etc. I've dealt with it. im over it. and i never plan to go down that road again. the past is the past and i can forgive but don't count on me forgetting. i've been called every name there is... so i stopped listening awhile ago. i love to sing in the shower. i love bubblebaths with water so hot it pretty much scolds my skin. i love food and i eat too much. i fill my face with anything in sight. i get grouchy if i don't get my lemon pepper chicken wings every thursday nite. i could eat a full box of eggo waffles to myself in probably a day if i wanted to, but only the cinnamon ones. i dont drink coffee, i drink tea (triple triple with cream). coffee stunts your growth. i love jones green apple soda.
oh, yea and just incase you were wondering... i love signing in and finding these:

My Interests

♥hot tubbin'
♥cheerleading *..o.r{}*♥
♥text messages
♥phonecalls at 3am
♥warm laundry out of the dryer
♥getting mail
♥waking up and finding out you still have time to sleep
♥my hair straightener
♥BIG sunglasses
♥long eyelashes
♥tanned skin
♥manicured nails and pedicured toes
♥Dolce and Gabanna Light Blue
♥my dog Caramel
♥♥♥SNOW♥♥ ♥
♥blue skies
♥singing in the shower
♥a cold room and a warm bed


♥destiny's child
♥kanye west
♥gwen stefani
♥wheels on the bus
♥dave matthews
♥dashboard confessional
♥john mayer
♥taking back sunday
♥maroon 5
♥jimmy eat world
♥Sean Paul
♥Missy Elliot
♥The Beatles
♥Janis Joplin
♥The Rolling Stones
♥Bob Marley
♥The Arcade Fire
♥♥♥Dallas Green♥ ♥♥
♥Bedouin Soundclash
♥The Most Serene Republic
♥The Vulcan Dub Squad
♥The Reason
♥Romeo Liquor Store
♥Jack Johnson
♥Mariah Carey
♥Panic! At the Disco
♥i know its all so random...haha♥


♥garden state
♥eternal sunshine of the spotless mind
♥man on fire
♥50 first dates
♥The girl next door
♥A clockwork orange
♥Finding Nemo
♥How to lose a guy in 10 days
♥pretty woman
♥The Virgin Suicides
♥The Butterfly Effect
♥the ususal suspects
♥the italian job
♥Cruel Intentions
♥American Beauty
♥Mr. & Mrs. Smith
♥Kill Bill 1 & 2
♥Napoleon Dynamite
♥Edward Scissorhands


♥The OC
♥Desperate Housewives
♥Queer as Folk


♥Catcher in the Rye
♥Life and Loves of a She Devil
♥A Clockwork Orange


♥ aislyn ♥
the sister destiny forgot to give me.
the other half that completes me.
the girl im always excited to see and never happy to leave.
she just gets me.
i love you bitch. xoxo

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My Blog

2006 in review

1.) Where did you ring in 2006?in a sketchy bar with my favouritest cousin in the world... completely wasted and out of control... although probably one of my favourite new years ever. 2.) What was y...
Posted by .jasmine. on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 12:44:00 PST

to the nice guys left...

To every guy that regrets hurting or losing her. To every guy who knows which girl he wants. To every guy that's said, "You're beautiful." To every guy that was never too busy TO DRIVE across town(or ...
Posted by .jasmine. on Fri, 01 Dec 2006 07:46:00 PST


so lastnite i get a message from a guy named trev, who has been on my friends list for quite some time... and he informs me that on a website called www.plentyoffish.com there is a girl who has the EX...
Posted by .jasmine. on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 07:47:00 PST

we could all learn a little more from grey's

A couple of hundred years ago, Benjamin Franklin shared with the world the secret of his success. Never leave that till tomorrow, he said, which you can do today. This is the man who discovered electr...
Posted by .jasmine. on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 08:54:00 PST

lifes lessons

  tres inspirational Life is a never ending lesson. You will have an innocent view of the world which will slowly grow to an experienced one. You will have scraped knees and broken bones. Y...
Posted by .jasmine. on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 08:00:00 PST

thanks dee.

1. My ex is... probably the prettiest boy in existence.2. I am listening to...aaliyah - can i come over?3. Maybe I should...start my reading for my class at 5.. or do some laundry.4. I love...my frien...
Posted by .jasmine. on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 09:05:00 PST

have you ever _______ with your top 5. thanks penno <33

  Have you ever _________ with your Top 5? Rules:-dont change your myspace top 5-fill the people in below-answer the questions truthfully1. Ace2. Chris3. Lindsay L4. Lindsay A5. KarrenHave y...
Posted by .jasmine. on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 12:56:00 PST

20 things about myspace friends

Note: its in no particular order. I just thought i'd mess with everyone and make it a little more challenging. 1. You are one of the kindest people i know.  Before i met you i wanted to know you...
Posted by .jasmine. on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 11:27:00 PST

stolen from mister free ass

1. Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, find line 4. Write down what it says. "mentally deranged, maybe. Or on the borderline.  Well, poor Benny." (the lives of girls and women - a...
Posted by .jasmine. on Mon, 03 Apr 2006 01:37:00 PST

i think this says it all...hah

---------------NOVEMBER--------------------Trustworthy and loyal. Very passionate and dangerous. Wild at times. Knows how to have fun. Sexy and mysterious. Everyone is drawn towards your inner and out...
Posted by .jasmine. on Mon, 27 Mar 2006 05:32:00 PST