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su•per con•sum•er (soo'per kuh n-soo-mer)
noun. marketing segmentation.
1. Highest active spending group consists of over two million consumers (0.6% of the US population).
2. American consumers aged between 35 and 44 with a household income of $100,000 or more.
3. The most highly sought after demographic segment for luxury goods and services.
Super Consumers are over 60% more likely than the average main shopper to have bought gold or platinum jewellery in the last 12 months.
They account for 45% of all sauna/Jacuzzi owners.
Super Consumers are 67% more likely to have flown in the last 12 months on business.
45% of Super Consumers would not `want to be without` the internet, and three-quarters have made an online purchase.
Over 50% of Super Consumers are “prepared to pay more for luxury toiletries and cosmetics.â€
They are twice as likely as the average consumer to have drunk five glasses or more of champagne in the last month.
Your future is determined behind closed doors, at three martini lunches and in five-star hotels. All the poverty. All the war. All the pain. All in the name of profit.
When cities crumble, these people will be held accountable.
Super Consumers are Ron Sansone, Matt Sutin, Andrew Sutin, Eric Bergel, and Ryan Procini. Look for the Super Consumers' debut album “Terrorism†this spring.