The "Declaration of Independence" BEFORE YOU WATCH THIS, PLEASE NOTE THIS DOCUMENT IS OVER 200 YEARS OLD, AND THIS VIDEO PRESENTATION WAS MADE IN 2002.I HAVE READ AND READ AND READ THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE SEVERAL TIMES OVER THE PAST 2 YEARS.May GOD help our country! Almost everything in this document, is happening now, only this time, from within, by our President, and the ones in congress and the Judicial Branch that are allowing this to happen.Where are George Washington and Thomas Jefferson when we need them?! The "Declaration of Independence" 14 MinutesIf You Still Doubt That 9/11 was an inside job, Please Watch This! .. Watch the video, then Google ... "Pheonix memo". "Loose Change 2nd Edition Recut" Watch the whole thing...with an open mind. 1 Hr. 30 Min. Video Below! This is one of the best films about 9/11! Link To Video Here 9/11 - Steven Jones, L.A. Conference - CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE !! MUST WATCH Link to Video shown below Here!*ALERT* For all those living & working in Tall buildings TerrorStorm Deluxe HQ(Alex Jones) Click here to watch this film on Google Video A Warning from John F. Kennedy (Our 35th Predident) Speech on Secret Societies and Freedom of the Press Charlie Chaplin Speaks .. "Bush" The 10 Year Difference WTF!!!??? Link to Video Shown Below Here"World Trade Center Attack Confirmation in 1996"
Read "Fahrenheit 451" For Free Here . This link has the Book, and the Audio combined into one, neat, and free, web page.