H profile picture


I've got bread but i'm not a baker

About Me

Things i like: Roast dinners, 80's kids shows (Thundercats, Trap Door, D & D etc.), lazy Sunday mornings, the smell of freshly washed sheets, country pubs, fancy dress, bacon sarnies, sun sets, crumpets, live bands, pumps, traveling, taking photographs, driving music, exploring new cities, family/friends, GHDs, nicknames, James Bond, beer (in particular Becks and Corona), summer holidays, great kisses, skinny jeans, strange humour, penguins (respect to the Emperor!)Things i don't like: Ignorance, queuing, WAGs & people famous for nothing, people on power trips, bits in yoghurts, early mornings, Richard Madeley, poor grammar, poor manners. .. Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

My Interests

Being a social butterfly, silly dance routines and general tomfoolery!

I'd like to meet:

As above... interesting and amusing people


I'll give you a clue... Welcome to my HOUSE, it's built like a ROCK and it's not purple, but INDIgo!


All sorts - Usual Suspects, Leon, Amelie, LA Confidential, Shawshank, Fightclub, Blade, to name a few

My Blog

License to thrill!

I've been looking forward to the new 007 film for ages and was slightly worried it might be a pre-Christmas turkey  thankfully I wasn't disappointed. Even if you are not a fan of Bond this is a great...
Posted by H on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 07:00:00 PST