I'm currently learning how to play the drums, though I am in the beginning phases, so I'm not totally awesome. But, with plenty of practice, and patience, I should nail it pretty soon. I also love to play video games; they are my life. My Xbox 360 has been serving me well with some some intense games and graphics, as well as awesome online play and the ability to do other things I didn't think was possible before. My Wii has it's own benefits...mainly games that stick to the genre of "Nintendo Only" kinda games, but that's about it. I have a DS, though I haven't played it in awhile, but I'm starting to get back into it now as I've been playing Poke'mon at my job. ( Yes, I'm a slacker, but my hatred for my job constitutes that as an excuse, right? ) I've been loyal to Nintendo since the age of 4, and I've owned every gaming system made by them. ( Including all the original Game Boys. ) Sega was awesome until the Dreamcast, then Sony kind of took it over from there. I've never been a big fan of Playstation, but if someone I know owns one, then I'll deffinantly play it, just because it's a video game system, and I'm a freak. I also like using my PC alot, as Microsoft has made quite the impression on me thus far, so I have to admitt that it's coming close to rivaling my love for Nintendo. I mostly use my PC to download and listen to music, or to chat with friends via AIM or Myspace.
Sometimes I like to write short stories, as my attention span won't allow me to continue on with one story for more than two days. I typically try to mix fantasy, horror, and comedy into all of my stories, and once I'm done working with some of them, I'll post them on blogs for everyone to read. I like to draw, or atleast I used too, but now I have to learn again because I'll be going to the Art Institute of Las Vegas pretty soon under the enrollment for Graphics Design or Leader Boarding, depending on which one gets my attention first. Just as soon as I get my scanner working, I'll be uploading some of my art work for you all to criticize too, lol. I loved to draw ever since I was a young kid, and just recently I took up the passion for writing. My imagination is always sparking off in different directions, but I'm usually good at picking up great ideas.
I'm very in to politics, and yes, I am a Democrat through and through, and nothing anyone can say will every change that. I love to argue and debate about almost anything, especially politics, as I believe a good, healthy conversation leads to a greater wisdom gained from other's knowledge. I dislike Republicans, but I can agree with some of the things they do, and some of them I can't. The same goes for Democrats, though alot less on the disliking portion. I see the world for what it is, at a perspective, so I try to see both ends before I make any decision.
I also like to study guns of all types, including pistols, handguns, assualt rifles, semi-automatics, etc. I know alot about them including make, model, and calibur, and though I may not always be dead on, I'm usually pretty accurate when it comes to weapons. History is another thing I am passionate for, especially the Roman and Egyptian era, and the most recent being WW II. I love every aspect of history, and I like to learn new things everyday. I'm an open book for that sort of thing, so it delights me to expand my knowledge on times, dates, people, places, and even things.
I also enjoying cooking from time to time, using my own recipes that I create in my head, to stuff that I see on T.V. Everything I do in my life is a passion, and I hope it goes the same for everyone else too.
I want to meet intellegent people; people who I can start a well-rounded conversation with, or people I can hang out with and won't be cheap, fake, preppy, gay, emo, retarded bastards. That basically means I'm not going to be meeting too many people on here.
Pearl MMX Masters Series drums (Diamond burst with black hardware)
Current Favorite Band: Slipknot ( and always has been )
Current Favorite Movie: No Country for Old Men
Current Favorite Show: Law and Order
Book I'm reading as of now: Warcraft --- War of the Ancients Trilogy
Current Hero: Lewis Black