music, singing, photography, cats, art, writing, sewing, making my clothes cooler, the 50's, 60's and 80's, pin-ups, body modification, cute girls, huge hair, being PR, drinking good booze, smoking good smokes, animal rights, human rights, good books, celts, druids, Ireland, forests, fields, staring at the sky while stoned, shows, cooking, kisses from special people, kisses from special animals, make up, dying hair, astrology, politics, parties, philosophy, anthropology, fruits and veggies, random thrift shops, candy stores, sleeping, cuddling, friends,
John Travolta and Sean Paul. One of them is definitely my soul mate, I have yet to find out which.
Various Folk, Punk Rock, Irish, Glam, Rockabilly, Rock n' Roll, Blues... The list could go on. Everything.
B-rated horror, low budget comedy, indie, violence, sex, drug use, pirates, living dead, cannabalism,talking animals and Adam Sandler.
I will admit to a few...Comedy Central, Cartoon Network, Adult Swim, Animal Planet and the occasional intelligent things that come on history and discovery. TV sucks.
Brian Froud's Faerie/Goblin books... well, any weird art books, autobiographies/biographies about interesting people,and anything with pictures.