Playing/ watching football (mainly watching as im prety unfit!) Listening to music and getting absolutely steaming with the Itchen massive!Yeah so i've left college, got a full time job then left that after an inicdent with my boss lol and i now have a new job so i guess i should be doing some real work rather than writing this!Oh and by the way i never actualy made my debut for itchen mainly because BP couldnt organise a piss up in a brewery! Your results:
You are The Flash
The Flash
Iron Man
Wonder Woman
Green Lantern
Fast, athletic and flirtatious.
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Magie Thatcher,what was she trying to do? A woman pm? souldnt they just stick to cooking and cleaning? also the best British comedian at the moment, Ricky Gervais. But the person i really wana meet the most isn't rich or famous no no no. i really wana meet the girl in Bournemouth that Liam Kerr apparently had sex with! He doesnt kno her name unfourtunatly! So ladies, if ur a young girl in Bournemouth and had sex with liam Kerr give us an e mail coz i think he's bullshiting! lol i'll describe him, quite tall, blonde hair, overweight with smelly feet! bit like sumit frm the Hitler youth. Sounds attractive doesn't he ladies? still no e mails! i gota feeling ther was no girl in Bournemouth! prove me wrong. After extensive verbal abuse from Liam i have been told 2 take back those comments about the Bournemouth girl. Liam does NOT have smelly feet (anymore) and he is a very nice person.There is that good enough liam? Also i'd like to meet myself in 10 years time, jus coz that would be quite strange lol. And a Manchester United fan, who is ACTUALLY from Manchester. Russell Brand vs The Sun
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i like prety much anything with a good beat. Might suprise a few ppl that i love reggae considering that i am essentialy just a short pasty ginger boy from Shirley!lol .old skool uk garage is always good (heartless crew etc). stuff like the streets, Kano, Sway and plan b as well. Then again i love oasis, the who, blur, the verve, athlete and coldpaly . so yeah loadsa stuff! The Office BBC Episode 4 Training Song
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My fave film of all time has gota be snatch! Borats always a funny watch, Kevin and Perry's a classic too. Mainly comedy to be honest. Although the film "Animal Farm" is gd! lol the sg possy kno what i mean!
Simpsons, deal or no deal, Richard and Judy, a place in the sun lol (all channel 4 lol.) Thats about it really, and i've jus realised i only actually need 1 channel in my house!lol. Oh! if im off work 4 sum reason or another, Jeremy Kyle!! lol no matter what the issue is, he's been there! drugs, divorce, prostitution, abourtion, cross dressing...he's been there and done it! lol. What a legend, a true ITV1 icon lol. Comedy wise i like, the office,extras, alan partridge,father ted's another good one,have i got news for you thats type of stuff really. Father Jack - Best Clips
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individual&videoid=1098899349"devvo on E4s funny cuts
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i have special needs i cant read. i'm also a bit displexic. Russell Brand vs The Sun
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The guy on Bournemouth beach who saved me from drowning when i was like 7 years old!lol So i'd like to big up him!lol. Mums a bit of a legand to be honest, she's a one off!lol. Altho she didnt save me drowning in Bournemouth...she jus watched!lol thanks mun lol. i think its quite sad 2 have celebs as heroes, so i dnt have any like that. Every man and woman who contributed to the downfall of the nazi's im WW2. Nuff said.