Andrea profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I,m a rock chick who loves "body mod" and pin up modles. ound-image:url(' d/184855-108923437715854.gif'); background-position:Top LeftI'm a laid back person and I dont like people who think It's cool to say nasty things to people for kicks.I'm a big animal rights activist. I have a grate boy-friend and grate friends. there's not much to say about me.

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My Interests

heavy metal, body modding, hanging out with friends and my BOY-FRIEND, phography, horrer films, pinup modles, the 40's and 50's. And much much more!!!!! the list could go on and on... width="425" height="350" ..

I'd like to meet:

Some day I would like to meet my fave modle scar 13. she is so hot!!! I would also like to meet vinny paul ( from panteria and damage plan). Some other people I would like to meet are, BETTY PAGE(my hero), masuimi max ,the suicide girls and his wife Dita Von tesse, and kaylani Lei many others. i love to meet new prople.


I LOVE HEAVY METAL. I get into some punk rock also. Some of my fave bands are : A7x, faith no more ( Any thing with mike patton), damage plan, pantera, marilyn manson, the sex pistols, and arch enemy. This list could go on and on forever.


I love horrer movies, Tim Berton movies, disney movies, And comadys, I also love any thing with Jhony Deep.( i also love porn!)


I like plastic sergary shows, cartoons like the simpsons, headbangers ball, will and grace, the discovery channel, the food network, and animal planet. I like the T.V. alot It fills up the anoying time betwen naps.


I like ann rice and edger allen poe the most but i still read other people's work I love erotica fiction, books on different religions, and art.
