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“Life is the farce which everyone has to perform.”

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

if you would like to receive my illustrated poem "wired", just shoot me yr e-mail address and i'll send it. it's a twelve page pdf chock full of romance, death, mayhem and poetic mischief. try it and tell me what you think...


Quote of the Day - Jane Fonda (in Rolling Stone Magazine)Somebody very hostile said to me, “Have you been saved?” I tap-danced around that, but later I asked a friend of mine who teaches Bible study, “What does that mean?” And she said, “What it meant to me was taking the next step.” Well, that’s all anybody had to say to me — I’m always ready to take the next step [laughs]! So I became a Christian. And I remain a Christian, but I’m still on a journey to define what that means. I very much feel the presence of God. And then this person Jesus — I am utterly fascinated by this man. I feel that what he preached was revolutionary, and it’s totally what we need now. The most revolutionary statement anyone could make is “Love thy neighbor as thyself.’ Whew, man. If we could live what he taught, everything would change. But it ain’t what goes by the name of Christianity right now.


current favorites: 1. out of the past - tournier ::: 2. the departed - scorcese ::: 3. the third man - reed ::: 4. the royal tennenbaums - andersen ::: 5. night at the opera - marx bros. ::: 6. big lebowski - coen brothers ::: 7. blue velvet - lynch ::: 8. duck soup - marx bros. ::: 9. rushmore - anderson ::: 10. dolemite


tyra, judge judy, judge hatchett, peoples court, judge joe brown, judge mathis, divorce court, sanford & son, seinfeld,...


paul bowles, james joyce, kerouac, bukowski, rimbaud, hemingway, cheever...


the dude abides.

My Blog

"wired" series - pt. 3 - "cosmology"

cosmologyin the beginning -there was a white hot flasha searing split -and we, jettisoned out of chaos, malice and painsuperheated and stars flung like god's sweat into the vast damp coldI spin, err...
Posted by J D on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 02:01:00 PST

"wired" series - pt. 2 - "wired"

wiredever feel you're bound in wire?all razor-sharp and twisted knot -you fashioned it to harness soulin pain to maintain self-control.my skin is lacerated throughexposing bone and muscle strandsthe ...
Posted by J D on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 01:55:00 PST

"wired" series - pt. 1 - "big bad wolf"

big bad wolf lord  is he there?I can hear his breathing smell the liquor on his steely breathhe stands outside my doornot talking he in cunning waits - intention is immersed in deathand deadly to ...
Posted by J D on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 01:49:00 PST

a year of music

since it's already february, i thought i'd look back on what were for me, the most memorable, top ten local music performances of the past year.1.  crud @ mephistos (new years eve)i don't know ho...
Posted by J D on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 02:28:00 PST

sunday at the bus stop...

sunday morning and i turn 'round the old navy outlet onto nine mile road.  at the bus stop, by the wall of the store, inside, is a large duffle.  split open. and spewing out of it, a ma...
Posted by J D on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 04:47:00 PST

Saturday, 4/15/2006

the Belmont, Hamtramck - Saturday, 4/15after a fine meal of smoked kielbasa at polish village, we ventured to the Belmont to witness the unholy power of Wolfbait. for me, Hamtramck is the pressure poi...
Posted by J D on Mon, 17 Apr 2006 12:06:00 PST