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I admire:
HH Dalai Lama,
Sant Thakar Singh
Sri Ramana
Kabir Sahib
Yogi Bhajan
Ayn Rand
~ may we all reach nibbana ~
I am a naiive painter living in Los Angeles
Besides the love of art, I like to travel. My favorite places are in southern Italy and the island of Capri, near Naples. I find Italy very romantic and I have painted their enchanting seashores repeatedly. I also have a passion for music, specially rock and roll
I was married, but got divorced years later. I have experienced how when love between two people is based on attraction or infatuation, it can turn into nothingness. When it is over, it is over. No contract on paper will change that. I've had long-lasting relationships, mostly ending in mutual agreement; each of us growing naturally in different directions and adopting different lifestyles. Throughout, as the story of my life was unfolding before me, I always felt an unfullfield void. It urged me to search in several directions all at once. I read the books written by Osho, I consider him one of my reachers, I saw him last time in 1985. My first awakening happened one year before: what changed me for ever exelirated my spiritual unfolding. It was during an acid trip when I became the universe, my body contained all the galaxies within. I, in in eternal sphinx like peace witnessed all watching from eternity to eternity outside of time..I experinced a cosmic timeless expended consciousness on LSD. My life changed after that. I had no fear of death and easily undesrtood the teachings. Now my view includes an outside of time element; I do think, that time is an earthbound phenomena and I know, that new my essence is timeless and divine.
I have been practicing yoga since childhood, always on a lookout for teachers. This search led me to Yogi Bhajan. At the time, he was teaching Kundalini Yoga in Los Angeles, California, where I was living also. Yogi Bhajan wears a white turban, so, when saw an advertisement about public talks given by Sant Thakar Singh wearing a white turban also , it caught my attention and I went to see him, I got initiated into the Sacred Sound-current, aka Logos, into OM Yoga
Light-House Children-Camp, India
Around the tragedy 9/11 I had a Kundalini quickening and discovered the Amritnadi of Ramana Maharshi, which lead me to Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj: the Advaita, Non-Dualist teachings . My practice today is mindfulness: 'keeping awareness aware on awareness'.... Era Molnar ...
My Interests:
Yoga, Travel, My Art and
Enlightenment Phisyology:
My Art
Budapest Patlament
sufi poet
Audio-page of my favorite music
Van Morrison, Hendrix, Dylan, No Doubt, Patti Smith, Ravi Shankar, KD Lang, Rolling Stones..
Corso, Kerouack, Salinger, Suzuki, Madach Imre, Allan Ginsberg, David Godman Hamvas Bela
Sri Nisargadatta
Eckhart Tolle
Pema Chodron
Thich Nhat
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