☠ॐ♥♪Alison Wonderland♫♥ॐ☠ profile picture

☠ॐ♥♪Alison Wonderland♫♥ॐ☠

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

“Each night he added to the pattern of his fancies until drowsiness closed down upon some vivid scene with an oblivious embrace. For a while these reveries provided an outlet for his imagination; they were a satisfactory hint of the unreality of reality, a promise that the rock of the world was founded securely on a fairy’s wing.” -The Great Gatsby"The moon was behind him; he looked down into the black shadow of the mesa, into the black shadow of death. He had only to take one step, one little jump...He held out his right hand in the moonlight. From the cut on his wrist the blood was still oozing. Every few seconds a drop fell, dark, almost colourless in the dead light. Drop, drop, drop. Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow... He had discovered Time and Death and God." -Brave New World.CURRENT MOON lunar phase Life itself is only a vision, a dream. Nothing exists in empty space and you are but a thought. Imagine all the people, sharing all the world. Greatest opening sequence in the history of cinema.
Your Life Path Number is 7
Your purpose in life is to find truth and meaning
You are very spiritual, and you are interested in the mysteries of life.
You are quite analytical and a great thinker. You have many theories and insights.
A life of solitude is perfect for you. You need time to think and do things your way.
In love, you are quite charming. You attract many with your confidence and wit.
While you enjoy being alone, sometimes you take it to an extreme.
You can become too isolated, shutting out loved ones and friends.
Express yourself a little bit more, and you'll be surprised where it takes you! What Is Your Life Path Number?
In a Past Life...
You Were: A Gorgeous Philosopher.
Where You Lived: Egypt.
How You Died: Suicide. Who Were You In a Past Life?-About Me-Hey, im Alli (Or Alison, etc.)Your first impression of me is wrong.But you probably don't care.WARNING: Im a pretty fun and outgoing person and can get crazy at times.^_^However,(and perhaps an even greater shock to some people) I can also be quiet and introverted, and need my alone time to think.I may be blonde, but I'm NOT stupid. Never underestimate me in anything. It may be your biggest mistake.I have political and social beliefs, and am not afraid to stand up for what I belive in, or speak out against injustice. Words can never hurt me, and I will not be silenced. Anyone who knows me could tell you that.People disappoint me. Iv'e come to realize in life that there is not one person you can truly rely on, and the only one who can get you through your life is you.Sometimes I feel like I was born in the wrong decade. Or century.I am different from most people you will ever meet. I believe in living life to the fullest. I would do almost anything just for the experience. One day, I will achieve something great. It will just take time, and I realize that.However, sometimes I feel the wait will kill me.Loves:Friends, Family, etc. (you fuck with them, you fuck with me.)Music^_^DancingArtWriting. (Not stupid "teen" stories or band/anime fanfic. What I write is darker and more intellectual then the gossip-girl esq. shit currently owned by way to many people. And has yet to feature a member of greenday.)Watching obscure indie flims or Italian neorealist masterpieces.HEX/Coupling/UK shows in general.(Jeff Murdock=love.)Angel hair pasta. ^.^Hates:George W. Bush. Worse then watergate? By getting us into a 5 year needless war for oil, Id say so.RELIGIOUS FUNDAMENTALISTS!!! (They make my skin crawl. People have an ammendment right called freedom of religion. I dont need someone shoving their brainwashed crap down my throught.)Facists.Ignorant people (aka everyone who voted for George Bush and still thinks hes doing a great job. Seriously. Do you even own a TV set? Obviously you cant read newspapers.)People who say I cant possibly eat enough/get enough protein/get through life because im vegetarian. (also falls under Ignorant people.)Animal Abusers.Child Abusers.People who dont care that over 500,000 are dead and more are dying in Darfur. (www.savedarfur.org)People who believe ignorance is bliss.Add me on IXDefyGravityXI and astarlitfire. ^_^ .. ..

Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests

Your Personality Profile
You are dignified, spiritual, and wise.
Always unsatisfied, you constantly try to better yourself.
You are also a seeker of knowledge and often buried in books.

You tend to be philosophical, looking for the big picture in life.
You dream of inner peace for yourself, your friends, and the world.
A good friend, you always give of yourself first. The World's Shortest Personality Test
You Are a Seeker Soul
You are on a quest for knowledge and life challenges.
You love to be curious and ask a ton of questions.
Since you know so much, you make for an interesting conversationalist.
Mentally alert, you can outwit almost anyone (and have fun doing it!).

Very introspective, you can be silently critical of others.
And your quiet nature makes it difficult for people to get to know you.
You see yourself as a philosopher, and you take everything philosophically.
Your main talent is expressing and communicating ideas.

Souls you are most compatible with: Hunter Soul and Visionary Soul What Kind of Soul Are You?

I'd like to meet:

This boy right here is everything to me. You truly are my better half, and I dont think I've ever felt this strongly about anyone. I love our awesome times and inside jokes, and how I could talk to you for hours about stuff no one else would understand. We have had some amazing times, and I know there will be many more to come. There really are no words to describe how I feel about you so I think I'll end this here...IlyDhara...where to start, where to start?? This girl is always there when I need someone to talk to, and is one of the few caring and sweet people you will ever meet. This girl is always real NEVER fake, and I would trust her with anything. My Beach Bestie and biffle 4 life ^_^ So many good times and many more to come. =] This girl has always had my back and I've always had hers. Fuck with her you fuck with me.My ah-mazing sister JoJo Saraghina...[Jill Wasserstrom] my amazingly talented cellist friend. You remain the only person who has watched 8 1/2 and appreciates Fellini and Van Gough as much as I do. I miss our crazy times and inside jokes, and you must come and visit here soon (or I WILL show up unannounced and crash at your couch in B-more XD) We will get drunk on mannishevitz and pretend its absinthe soon, I promise. ^_^


Music is my escape.
Song lyrics | Anarchy In The Uk lyrics


Odd indie flicks and Italian neorealist masterpieces.


Proud Bibliophile. Look it up."If you do not breathe through writing, if you do not cry out in writing, or sing in writing, then don't write, because our culture has no use for it."-Anais Nin


Punch an idol and they will bleed. People buying the hollywood trash are only contributing to our star-crazed, consumerist society.

My Blog


This is a poem I wrote about escaping through media, whether its a book, a song, or especially a reality TV show. It was part of a diary entry and so is not the best thing I ever written, and I dont r...
Posted by PejAlison WonderlandkeP on Wed, 07 May 2008 03:12:00 PST


Imperfect By Alison L. I wrote this a while ago and finished it today. It explores some deeply personal issues I was facing and I was not originally going to show it to others. But I realized that ev...
Posted by PejAlison WonderlandkeP on Thu, 08 May 2008 04:30:00 PST

Death Toll reaches new heights: 4,000 killed in Iraq today.

    Death Toll of US Soldiers in Iraq Reaches 4,000    By Ross Colvin    Reuters     Monday 24 March 2008   &n...
Posted by PejAlison WonderlandkeP on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 11:08:00 PST

Dalai Lama: "I Am Prepared to Face China. I Will Go to Beijing"

Dalai Lama: "I Am Prepared to Face China. I Will Go to Beijing"    By Andrew Buncombe    The Independent UK     Friday 21 March 2008 As cris...
Posted by PejAlison WonderlandkeP on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 11:05:00 PST

Daughter [part 4]

"Daughter" This is the fourth and last part of the poem, and the part I have struggled with the most. I have tried to divide it in half, pare it down, and change the ending, which I feel is unrealisti...
Posted by PejAlison WonderlandkeP on Fri, 22 Feb 2008 12:07:00 PST

The Great Gatsby in printed and cinema form.

    The Great Gatsby in printed and cinima form       The Great Gatsby is a truly beautiful and moving novel. The sheer complexities of the human spirit that are sho...
Posted by PejAlison WonderlandkeP on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 08:37:00 PST

Star [part 3]

"Star" This is the third part of the four-part poem. Read the last two parts to know what is going on. This is the shortest part, and the first from the slave's perspective. Poem take 3. (Slave) I dr...
Posted by PejAlison WonderlandkeP on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 10:21:00 PST

The Dress [part 2]

"The Dress" This is the second part of the poem. If you did not already, read the first part first. It will give you a general backround on the poem. This is the last part written from the third pers...
Posted by PejAlison WonderlandkeP on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:50:00 PST

A ghost of herself [part 1]

"A Ghost of Herself" This is a four-part poem I wrote today. This is the first part, called "A ghost of herself." This started out as an assignment, but I got inspired and ended up with seven pages. T...
Posted by PejAlison WonderlandkeP on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 06:27:00 PST

Senate Hands Bush Another Blank Check for Iraq

Senate Hands Bush Another Blank Check for Iraq By Maya Schenwar. The link is: http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/121907A.shtml     This article is about how the Senate approved a $70...
Posted by PejAlison WonderlandkeP on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 08:51:00 PST