(then click on the appropriate flag - USA, Canada, or International)
To order The Muggs debut self-titled CD online, go to:
(we're in the middle of the page - click on the appropriate flag - USA, Canada, or International)
Local Detroit stores that have been diagnosed with THE MUGGS:
Stormy Records in Dearborn (13210 Michigan Ave, 3 blocks East of Schaefer Rd)
Record Time in Roseville (Gratiot just North of I-696)
Melodies and Memories in Eastpointe (Gratiot just N. of 9 Mile)
Street Corner Music in Beverly Hills (13 Mile just East of Southfield Rd)
The latest Muggs press:
Nice messages about us
Mafia es Mafia (in Spanish!)
A1 Artist Spotlight (includes podcast interview with Danny)
Album Review: The Cutting Edge (issue 65)
2008 DMA's in Spin Magazine
A1 Artist Spotlight
Matt & his fancy college learnin'
Matt "Roast", Real Detroit
DigiVegas Podcast
Oldie but Goodie
Detroit Free Press article
Metro Times Cover Story (also check out the audio interview with the author )
And here's what a gorgeous model looks like in our women's T-Shirt:
Here's a taste of our DVD, from canyouhearmetv.com :
To purchase the above Live Concert/Documentary DVD, go to Can You Hear Me TV Storefront