someone who is confident enough... (but not too mayabang!!!), friendly... (but not OA ha!!!), outgoing, and humble.... but unfortunately i think the one i'm looking for is not present in this world!!! he...he...he...
Serendipity....Air Force One........Hide & Seek......My Wedding Date......Coyote Ugly.....Pretty Woman....Spiderman.........
aMaziNg rAce - suRviVor - pUnk'd - piMp mY riDe - oNe bAd tRip - rOom RaidErs - diSmisSed - mEet mY foLks - fOr LoVe oR moNey 1 &; 2 - kNoCk fiRst - siMpLe liFe - nIp/tUck - 5th wHeeL - bLiNd dAte - oNe tRee hiLL - tHe O.C. - 7th hEaVen - dAwsOn's cReeK - sMaLLviLLe - fAst LaNe - 24 - CSI - daRk aNgeL - cHarMed - wiLL &; gRaCe - tWo aNd a haLf mEn - eVeN stEveNs - tHat's sO raVeN - mY wiFe aNd kiDs - spOngebOb sqUaRepAnts - waZzUp wazZuP extRa stRong -............................-------------.................. ........