d' disappointment profile picture

d' disappointment

<b_once upon a time can happen anytime_</b

About Me

i'm simply meeh... and i'm proud of that... Meeh???__Hehehehe__I’m pearl and I’m a girl (is it not obvious?)__something I am proud of__ Why? Hello???__ there are things girls can do and boys can’t—like__uhmmm__wearing make up? Bathing suit? Talk about boyz? Dress in any fashion we like and just be girls. Chuckles Well__to tell you guys the truth__I just turned sixteen few weeks ago and I hope it wouldn’t be any hindrance for us to be friends__Besides, it is not my fault I could not display my real age__Myspace would just go__ERROR__ Kidding aside__hmmm__about meeh ei? I am not perfect and I do not even care about it. I am your typical girl next door who is a hopeless romantic__ sentimental__weird__and when it comes to first meetings, I am kinda shy and I get so tensed and fidgety, but minutes after that__when you guyz get to know me, I could get so loud and funny and start talking non stop! In other words__I am unpredictable!!! I love traveling and I have this obsession to visit England one day. I wanna learn to play the guitar and the keyboards, but I keep messing things up__though I know how to play little__hehehe__Physically__I am a chinita with brown eyes, a fair complexion and a brown hair falling just a few inches above my waist__I stood five feet seven inches high and well__I look ordinary (though some blind guyz find me cute__hehehehe__) and I am simple. Hmmm__I go gaga over Daniel Radcliffe__I love movies__I love music__I am into singing though I do not think singing likes me__I am a bookworm. Yap! I would spend hours in my room, hooked in a book that I fail to even notice it is time for supper. Being an only child, I am kinda overprotected and sometimes I find it amusing that I have great fears__fears more than you could imagine__ from cockroaches to darkness__I am one weird freak!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHA__There is more to Pearl than meets the eye__because I am a very deep person. How deep? Too Deep for me to find it Funny that I was able to at least tell you guys what I know about me__how pearl spends her time imagining things and reminiscing memories__how pearl dreams about her prince on the white horse__how pearl loves the ideas of knights and demoiselles, how pearl is addicted to stuff toys, chocolates and CDs__ how pearl is into ANIMEs or stuffs like that. To tell you the truth guyz__ I am a stranger to myself__and it really tries my patience. But I also find it fun__that everyday, I discover something new about myself__hehehehe__well let me think__what else could I say about me__ hmmm__cannot think of any__well, I guess it is your turn to help me tell something about who I am__check me out and you’ll see__ I am not that bad__because I have my own personality__I AM MEEH!
You are Yukino!!All hail the Queen of vanity! Good for you!
Which Kare Kano Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are a Siren. More adventurous than all with a
voice like no other you sit on warm rocks and
sing to the moon and sea. Yet sometimes
shipwrecks find you and raving men want you.
You are a bottle of talent and power. What the
unknown is you seek to find, and a lover. You
have the moon and stars as freinds. There are a
very few of you, what a rare find. Will you
rate my quiz, I think your voice in just
What kind of mermaid are you? (Gorgeous Pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
innocent kiss - you're cute and sweet and like it
that way
What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Unique, mystical, insightful and beautiful You are a Snow sprite. Mysterious, and alluring you
naturally attract people to you, your like a
people magnet even though you most often wish
to be alone. Your love for cold climates and
snow has given you an insight into the beauty
few see. While most see bland white you see a
forest or blanket of sparkling white beauty. To
you life is something precious and you intend
to figure out its mysteries. You are very
mature and don't waste your intelligence on
childish games or people not worth your time
which can make you seem arrogant at times but
you are really just intent on saving your time
for better things. Your soul is very beautiful
if not a little shut up, you keep your emotions
hidden from everyone and therefore they don't
know what your capable of. You are a living
.::=What type of mythical Sprite are you?=::. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers-
brought to you by Quizilla

My Interests

well... I am the a deep person who never gets bored easily__(well__ that is unless there is nothing around me for real)__so listing down my interest would surely take time you know? But anyweiz, here goes__hehehehe__I am into sports such as swimming, badminton and volleyball__hmmm__that includes basketball if only anybody would be so kind as to teach me how to do that thing__hehehe__I love traveling and visiting places__I’ve been in Hawaii, Hong Kong, Japan, Honolulu, China, Bangkok and well__local places here in the Philippines__hehehe__I spend my time reading books no matter how long they may be as well as listening to music as I reminisce of memories form the past and imagine of tomorrow__like knights and demoiselle__though I am looking for my prince on the white horse__other than that, I surf the internet or visit bookstores to look for magazines or stuffs that have an article, a picture or anything about Daniel Radcliffe or Harry Potter!!!__and I have a thing for stuff toyz__if only I know how to surf waves and do a little skateboarding__they would be in my list!!!__have I mentioned I am also hooked into ANIMEs?__no?__well, I am!!!__hehehehe__well, I guess that’s it!__is it enough to give you an idea of what I like??

I'd like to meet:

i want you… i want you...i want you... xx I aM nOt a BeLiEvEr tHaT oNe mUsT cHoOze hEr fRiEnDs 'cOz eVeRyBoDy have tHe rIgHt tO bEfRiEnD aNd bE a FriEnD tO pEopLe xx aLL yOu gOt tO bE cArEfuL oF iS hOw tHeY iNfLuEnCe yOu xxxx iT wOuLd mAke mE haPPy tO havE yOu iN mAh LisT xx


__I find everything dull whenever there is no music of any kind__ I find mellow love songs so sweet especially when there seems to be a story behind it__I also listen to any type of music with the exception of heavy rock__my music depends on my mood__but I like that of Avril Lavigne__Simple Plan__Parokya ni Edgar__Rivermaya__ Eraserheads__Mandy Moore__Boyz II Men__this is hard because I am the kind who pays attention to the music or the lyrics better than the artist who performed it__Want song titles?__Perfect__Skater boi__Anything but ordinary__Things I’ll never say__Halaga__Alumni homecoming__With a smile__Is it okay if I call you mine?__Wish upon a star__Ugckh!!!!__I better stop thiz__I’ll go crazy thinking of all the song titles and artist I fancy__as long as it is music__ it is part of my list!__


moviez???_____ cool!!!____ ... I am a movie addict who collects CDs as long as given the chance to enter a recording shop__what is in the top of my list??__HARRY POTTER__HARRY POTTER__HARRY POTTER__all HARRY POTTER movies__can you blame me?__told you I have thing for DANIEL RADCLIFFE__hehehehe__anyweiz__I also think Lord of the Rings is nice__Minority Report__Phonebooth__S.W.A.T__Hidalgo__Peter Pan__The Recruit__Naked Weapon__A Walk to Remember__David Copperfield__Tailor of Panama__The Passion of the Christ__I am also hooked into animations__SPIRITED AWAY is one of the best animations I have ever seen__ Casper__I think he is cute__okei I will stop babbling__ Mulan__Atlantis__ Pocahontas__Lion King__Anastasia__and well__that is enough I think__ it would take me kind of long to list down all the movies I get hooked on__right?__HARRY POTTER soon!!


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Remember, I am a bookworm__ and I know I mentioned that I do not care how long they are as long as it is a book then it would be good!!!__but of all the books in my shelves or in all the shelves__ HARRY POTTER would be the best!!!__I am so in love with the HARRY POTTER books I could not have enough of it__(especially since Daniel Radcliffe portrayed HARRY in the Movies)__and know the book HOLES???__it’s incredible!!!__LORD OF THE RINGS is really something too (though I am not done with it yet)__and wait!__I am also amazed with the classical novel, THE LITTLE PRINCE__these are my favorites and other than that, any books would be my pleasure to read!!!


Heroes?__Do I have to state names??__hehehehe__i have lot of heroes both in my life and my fantasy__let us start with those that exist__my parents are my heroes for they loved me for who I am and accepted my imperfections__the youngest sister of my mom is also my hero for she never cease supporting me and sharing my undertakings, she even let me on my own and reprimand me if I need to be reprimanded__there is also this two friend who changed my life and inspired me in a very special way__he's name is Rommel__(I hope he would not see this__I’ll be doomed__hehehe)__he taught me that if I hold on to what I believe, to my dreams and to my faith in myself__I could do anything I want and fulfill my dreams no matter how impossible they may seem__ next is katrina__she's my friends who never fail to show me she likes me and accepted me for being me__she never fail to make me feel good about being who I am__ and show me how special I am for them__well, there are still reasons but I do not think it would be comfortable to list down all of it__hehehe__i also consider daniel radcliffe a.k.a harry potter as my personal hero__why?? i see myself in him one way or the other__=]my world is not perfect... but it is real and it exist!

My Blog

valentine's gift

valentine's gift -pearl lorena kristina bas- Andrea has been confined to that hospital for almost a year now. She is waiting for a heart donor because of a heart ailment that would surely take her...
Posted by d' disappointment on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

valedictory speech

To our loving school president, Sr. Leonor Pagorogon PHD, our dearest school treasurer and prioress, Sr. Ma. Concepta Roque, our beloved principal Mrs. Vilma Dominguez, our humble Asst. Principal, Sr....
Posted by d' disappointment on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Have your found your rib or had carelessly broken it?

A girl in love asked her boyfriend... Girl: Tell me... who do you love most in this world? Boy: You, of course! G: In your heart, what am I to you? B: The boy thought for a moment and look...
Posted by d' disappointment on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Are You In Love With Someone?

Are You In Love With Someone? When you are together with that special someone, you pretend to ignore that person. But when that special someone is not around, you might look around to find them. ...
Posted by d' disappointment on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

the confession

i hate the way you talk to me i hate the way you smile i hate the fact you're cute enough i hate the way you laugh i hated you for everything for little things you do i hat it when you made me...
Posted by d' disappointment on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

"A night to remember"

I do, cherish you... for the rest of my life, You dont have to think twice I will, love you still from the depths of my soul, ...
Posted by d' disappointment on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST