.•´¯¨•. ¸¸¸.•*¨) ÖriÖn™.•´¯¨ profile picture

.•´¯¨•. ¸¸¸.•*¨) ÖriÖn™.•´¯¨

[email protected]

About Me

| | | I love to play volleyball and badminton...I tried basketball but not for me :( .... my friends always says that i looked like gollum in the lord of the rings(joke! joke joke!) others said i can't be seen in dark places because of my skin complexion ......I also had an operation in my appendix well its obviously i had an appendicitis ..... but its ok....because the doctor said that it is useless in our body anyway....but it cost me a lot of money because of that stupid operation....hehehehe ööö | | |
"Enemies of the heir beware...you'll be next mud bloods!!!"..."God, this place is going to the dogs. Wait until my father hears Dumbledore's got this oaf teaching classes."..."Give me a go at that thing. If Potter can do it, it must be easy. You're not dangerous at all, are you, you great ugly brute"..."Well, well. Look who's here. You two shopping for your dream home? Seems a bit grand for you, Weasel- Bee. Don't your family all sleep in one room?"..."Did you see the big, fat blubbering oaf?! Oh, this is going to be rich."..."Not a word of this to anyone, understood! I'll get that jumpedup Mudblood one of these days. Mark my words..."..."Father and i were in the minister's boat, by personal invitation of Cornellius Fudge himself"..."Why you're so tense Potter? My father and I have a bet you see, I don't think you're gonna last 10 min in these tournament. He disagrees.. he thinks you will only last 5." | | ^^^^^ | DRACO MALFOY | ^^^^^ | || | | I'd like to meet any of the characters of Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings... TOM FELTON perhaps....or maybe ORLANDO BLOOM....ÖÖÖ | | |Hover Effects By myspacehelp.uni.cc

My Interests

"Voldemort killed my parents...He was nothing more than a murderer!!!"..."There is one thing Never try to save my life again"..."We know one thing, Hagrid never opened the Chamber of Secrets, he was innocent"..."Why would I go looking for someone who wants to kill me?"..."Minister... I don't understand. I broke the law. Underage wizards aren't allowed to use magic at home"..."'Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are proud to present The Marauder's Map'...?"..."He betrayed them. He was their friend. I hope he finds me. But when he does, I'm going to be ready. When he does, I'm going to kill him."..."I don't reckon my father'd want his best friends to become killers for a worthless piece of vermin like Pettigrew. Besides: Dead, the truth dies with him. Alive... you're free."..."Before. Down by the lake. When I was with Sirius... I did see someone... that someone made the Dementors go away..."..."When we free him, I'll never have to go back to the Dursley's. I'm going to tell him I'd like to live someplace in the country. I think he'd like that, after all those years in Azkaban. We don't need a big place and I can help him..."..."Don't worry. My Dad will come... Right there... you'll see... he'll come... any minute... he'll conjure the Patronus"..."You were right, Hermione. It wasn't my dad I saw earlier. It was... me. I saw myself conjuring the Patronus before. I knew I could do it this time, because... because I'd already done it. Does that make sense?"..."I love magic!"..."I didn't asked for this to happened Ron, okay?...you're being stupid."..."I didn't put my name on that cup, i don't want eternal glory, I just wanna be...look, i don't know what happened and i don't know why, it just did, okay."..."hey, my eyes aren't listening with the ghost of my past."..."Dragons, that's the first task!... you're joking."..."I don't give a damn what your father thinks Malfoy, he's vile and cruel and you're pathetic!"..."Who could possibly figure that out? Its completely menta"..."I was just wandering if maybe you wanted to go to the ball with me."..."Sir, Mr Crouches' son, what exactly happened to him?...It's just that i..I had a dream about him..it was in the summer before school...in the dream i was in a house, and Voldemort was there only he wasn't quite human and Wormtail was there too and Mr. Crouches' son"..."He's back! He's back! Voldemort is back! Cedric, he asked me to bring his body back, I couldn't leave him , not there."..."I don't think i said anything about a graveyard professor." | | ^^^^^ | HARRY POTTER | ^^^^^ | || | | Reading books especially BOB ONG BOOKS(only when i'm bored), chat...customize myspace, computer games and handicrafts.... I really love to sleep when I have spare time....that's why my friends always told me that it's like i'm MEDITATING or something YOGA!!! ÖÖÖ | | |

I'd like to meet:

.:*:.*.:*:. Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus .:*:.*.:*:. Albus Dumbledore Minerva McGonagall Rubeus Hagrid Remus Lupin Padfoot Black (Young Sirius) Pomona Sprout Mrs. Black Severus Snape Argus Filch Sibyll Trelawney Nymphadora Tonks Mr. Ollivander Filius Flitwick Madam Rosmerta Dolores Umbridge Salazar Slytherin Lord Voldemort Peter Pettigrew Barty Crouch Jr. Antonin Dolohov Fenrir Greyback Madam Rolanda Hooch Alastar Moody Merlin Roderick Plumpton Rita Skeeter Ludo Bagman Emma Dobbs Mundungus Fletcher Hestia Jones Quentin Trimble Emmeline Vance Moaning Myrtle Dobby Ford Anglia The Sorting Hat Crookshanks Fawkes Hedwig Mrs. Norris Arnold, the Pygmy Puff Dementors Kreacher Pigwidgeon Winky Seamus Finnigan Neville Longbottom Oliver Wood Hermione Granger James "Prongs" Potter James Potter Lily Evans-Potter Harry Potter Sirius Black Ron Weasley Percy Weasley Fred Weasley George Weasley Ginny Weasley Bill Weasley Charlie Weasley Molly Weasley Natalie McDonald Lavender Brown Parvati Patil Andrew Kirke Katie Bell Angelina Johnson Colin Creevey Victoria Frobisher Demelza Robins Cormac McLaggen Jimmy Peakes Jack Sloper Alicia Spinnet Patricia Stimpson Draco Malfoy Lucius Malfoy Narcissa Malfoy Crabbe and Goyle Marcus Flint Millicent Bullstrode Adrian Pucey Slytherin Girls Pansy Parkinson Blaise Zabini Miles Bletchley Daphne Greengras Terrence Higgs Bellatrix Lestrange Regulus Black Theodore Nott Andromeda Tonks Cho Chang Luna Lovegood Padma Patil Michael Corner Roger Davies Marietta Edgecombe Sarah Fawcet Terry Boot Lisa Turpin Mandy Brocklehurst Eddie Carmichael Orla Quirke Penelope Clearwater Marcus Belby Nathan Bradley Michael Corner Stephen Cornfoot Anthony Goldstien Cedric Diggory Elenor Branstone Justin Finch-Fletchley Laura Madley Rose Zeller Hannah Abbot Ernie MacMillan Elenor Branstone Anthony Goldstein Susan Bones Owen Cauldwell Zacharias Smith Viktor Krum Fleur Delacour Gabrielle Delacour Petunia Dursley

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"Nearly headless???....How could it be nearly headless???"......"You'll be okay Harry your a great wizard...I know you were...me, books and cleverness but there are more important things: friendship and bravery"....."Fear of a name only increases fear of the thing itself."......"Mandrake, or Mandragora, is used to return those who have been petrified and transfigured to their original state. It's also quite dangerous. The Mandrake's cry is fatal to anyone who hears it."......"Even the WIzarding World hearing voice is not a good sign"......"At least no one on the Gryffindor team had to buy their way in. They got in on pure talent."......"He called me a Mudblood....It means dirty blood. Mudblood's a really foul name for someone who was Muggle-born. Someone with non-magic parents. Someone...like me. It's not a term one usually hears in civilized conversation."..."He's a cat, Ronald! What do you expect? It's in his nature."..."Boggarts are shape-shifters. They take the shape of whatever a particular person fears most."..."Please, sir, an Animagus is a wizard who elects to turn into an animal. A werewolf has no choice in the matter. Furthermore, the werewolf actively hunts humans and responds only to the call of its own kind"..."You... foul... loathsome...evil... little cockroach..."..."No! I trusted you! I covered up for you. And all this time you've been his friend! He's a werewolf! That's why he's been missing classes!"..."This is a Time-Turner, Harry. McGonagall gave it to me first term. This is how I've been getting to my lessons all year."..."Of course! Remember what Dumbledore said. If we succeed, more than one innocent life could be spared."..."With a Patronus. I heard Snape telling Dumbledore when we were taken to the hospital. According to him, only a really powerful wizard could have conjured it."..."It's hurting again isn't it, your scar...you know Sirius want to hear about this, what you saw at the World Cup aren't a dream."..."there's a reason why those curses are unforgiveable, perform it in a classroom... i mean did you see Neville's face.."..."its not going to work.. you see this, this is an age line, Dumbledore draw it himself...so, a genius like Dumbledore couldn't be possibly fooled by those pathetically dimwitted as an aging potion.."..."Ronald would like me to tell you, that James told him, that Deans told by Parvati that Hagrid is looking for you.. "..."I'm not an owl!"..."Harry is that you? HOw were you feeling? ok?...the key is to concentrate.."..."Look at this. I can't believe she's done it again. Ms. Granger a plain but ambitious girls seems to be developing a taste for famous wizards. Her latest praise sort of report, is none other than the Bulgarian bombom Viktor Krum. No word yet on how Harry Potter taking this latest emotional blow."..."The enemy? who was it want of his autograph? and besides the whole point of the tournament is, international magical cooperation, to make friends."..."How dare you?...Besides, i can take care of myself... what! is that what you think!? ... you know the solution then don't you...Next time there's a ball, pack up the courage to ask me before someonelse does and not at the last resort."..."I wouldn't know he don't talk about the tournament. Actually we don't talka at all. Viktor is more of a physical being. I just mean his not particularly acquatious, mostly he wanted me to study.. its a bit annoying actually."..."you are trying to figure this out aren't you. just means that this tasks is designed to test you, in the most brutal way that almost cruel and am.. i'm scared for you. you got by the dragons almost unerve i'm not sure its going to be enough this time."..."I won’t be going alone because, believe it or not, someone’s asked me!"..."Everything is going to change now hasn't it" | | ^^^^^| HERMIONE GRANGER |^^^^^ | || | | R&B, Alternative, slow rock, classical like Josh Groban, Charlotte Church....I enjoy the voices of BOYZ II MEN and RAVEN!!!! AND OF COURSE MY DEAREST DAD AND MOM! and also PAROKYA NI EDGAR!!! ÖÖÖ | | |


"Do you really have...the scar?!....woh!...wicked!!!...Bloody brilliant!!!"....."Its le-vi-o-sa not leviossa...she's a nightmare I wonder she got no friends"....."Go on Harry ...your the youngest seeker in the century"....."This is no grave yard...its a chess board!"....."Harry take the empty bishop square, Hermione you'll be queen beside the castle, and me I'll be a knight"....."You understand now Harry, when i make my move the queen will take me, and you're free to check the king"....."Follow the spiders?", why couldn't it be "follow the butterflies???"..."No! No! Remember... I told Hermione to tell you that Seamus told me that Dean was told by Parvari that Hagrid was looking for you. Seamus didn't really tell me anything. So it was really me all along! I thought you'd be able to figure it out from there"..."I'm warning you, Hermione! Keep that bloody beast of yours away from Scabbers or I'll turn it into a tea cozy."..."There's something else you should know, Harry. Your Nimbus -- when it blew away? -- it sort of landed in the Whomping Willow. And well..."..."I find it astonishing that someone who prides herself on being so logical can be in such denial."..."Well. He's got a wonky sort of cross -- that's trials and suffering. But this lot here could be the sun -- that's great happiness. So... he's going to suffer but be very happy about it."..."There's no one like Krum, he's like a bird when he rides the wind, he's more than an athlete, he's an artist..."..."Its him...Its Mad eye Moody...dark wizard catcher"..."well my dad did tell me about one... the imperius curse"..."Eternal glory, it brilliant wouldn't it... three years from now, when we were old enough to be chosen"..."How did you do it?!...Never mind it doesn't matter...i might lay bestfriend know though ...you know bloddy well what"..."yah that's me, Ron Weasley-Harry Potter Stupid friend"..."Atleast I told you about the dragons...no no no I did, no you don't remember, I told Hermione to tell you, that James told me that Parvati told Dean that Hagrid is looking for you. James never actually told me anything so it was really me all along.I thought you'll be alright after you figured that out."..."There she was walking by, you know i like it when they walk. I couldn't help it, it just all slip out."..."He's a Durmsrtang. you're fraternizing with the enemy." | | ^^^^^^ | RON WEASLEY | ^^^^^^ | || | | Harry Potter series( ONLY IN CD'S EXCEPT THE HARRY POTTER 3!!!) , Lord of the Rings or any science fiction movies, spider man 1-3, Patch Adams, D-TOX, Entrapment, scary movie 1-2, legally blonde 1-2, Pirates of the Caribbean 1-3, Star Wars and the Attack of the Clones, Star Wars and the Return of the Jedai, Star Wars and the Phantom Menace, Monster's Inc., final Destination 1-3, URBAN movies and any karate movies 'coz i love doing any Kung Fu things and stuff!!!ÖÖÖ | | |


F R I E N D S | | ^^^^^ | "F R I E N D S ! ! !" | ^^^^^ | || | | On the lot, America's next top model, tyra, Survivor, Freddie,Mortified,Wicked Science,Black Hole High, On-Air, Lizzie Mcguire, That so Raven, So Weird, Even Stevens, Short Cut, Totally Spies, Monster's Inc., Tarzan, My Wife and Kids, Hana Yori Dango, Hunter X Hunter, Slam Dunk, Dear Boys, Tokyo Undergorund, American Idol, AXN, HBO, Cinemax, Disney Channel,Discover Channel, National Geographic Channel, Animal Planet, ESPN, WAzzup Wazzup, WOWOW ÖÖÖ | | |


"Well, how is it that a baby with no extraordinary magical talent managed to defeat the greatest wizard of all time? How did you escape with nothing but a scar, while Lord Voldemort's powers were destroyed?"....."Voldemort is my past, present, and future, Harry Potter..."..."lets much the power of Lord Voldemort the heir of Slytherin against the famous Harry Potter!!!"..."Harry! I'd almost forgotten you were here, standing on the bones of my father. I'd introduce you, but rumor has it you're almost as famous as me these days." | | ^^^^^ | "LORD VOLDEMORT" "TOM RIDDLE MARVOLO" | ^^^^^ | || | | Angels and Demons, The Da Vinci Code, Digital Fortress, Deception, Holy Blood Holy Grail, any Stephen King's, french books, HP books ÖÖÖ | | |
The Keys to Your Heart
You are attracted to those who have a split personality - cold as ice on the outside but hot as fire in theheart.
In love, you feel the most alive when things are straight-forward, and you're told that you're loved.
You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy.
You would be forced to break up with someone who was insecure and in constant need of reassurance.
Your ideal relationship is open. Both of you can talk about everything... no secrets.
Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.
You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.
In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted. What Are The Keys To YourHeart?


F R I E N D S | | ^^^^^ | "H A R R Y P O T T E R M O V I E S" | ^^^^^ | |Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.ComHogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago by the four greatest wizards of the age. The four school houses are named after them: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin.They built this castle together, far from prying Muggle eyes, for it was an age when magic was feared by common people and witches and wizards suffered much persecution. For a few years, the founders worked in harmony together, seeking out youngsters who showed signs of magic and bringing them up to the castle to be educated.But then disagreements sprang up between them. A rift began to grow between Slytherin and the others. Slytherin wished to be more selective about the students admitted to Hogwarts. He believed that magical learning should be kept within all-magic families.He disliked taking students of Muggle parentage, believing them to be untrustworthy. Reliable historical sources tell us this much, but these honest facts have been obscured by the fanciful legend of the Chamber of Secrets. The story goes that Slytherin had built a hidden chamber in the castle, of which the others knew nothing. Slytherin, according to the legend, sealed the Chamber of Secrets so that none would be able to open it until his own true heir arrived at the school.The heir alone would be able to unleash the horror within and purge the school of all who were unworthy to study magic..VISIT MY XANGA www.xanga.com/[email protected]