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About Me

Since 1984, I've been a Transformers (Generation One) fanatic.

My Interests

Transformers, the Internet, etc.


Just about anything '80s. After all...I was a teenager in the mid- and late '80s!


Transformers: The Movie (the movie I've seen most often), Amazons, Back To The Future, Barbarian Queen (I and II), Die Hard, Paparazzi, Fat Albert, Hulk, The Incredibles, Robocop, Hercules & Xena: The Battle For Mount Olympus, Garfield: The Movie, Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties, The Dukes of Hazzard (the 2005 movie), William Shakespeare's Romeo & Juliet, Spaceballs...among others I've yet to mention.


Transformers (mainly G1 and G2), GI Joe, Voltron, Married...With Children, Xena: Warrior Princess, Dukes of Hazzard (the 1979-1985 TV series, had by CBS), Knight Rider, CHiPs, Maximum Exposure, Red Dwarf, V.I.P. (Vallery Irons Protection [Agency]), etc. These are shows I've watched at one time or another--that is, the '70s, '80s, '90s and/or 2000-present. But, even after 23 years (1984-2007), I still love Transformers.


Prime Targets: The Unauthorized Story Guide to Transformers, by Lars Pearson; Transformers: Infiltration (manga), by Simon Furman; Transformers: More Than Meets The Eye, by James McDonough & Adam Patyk; Transformers: Prime Directives, by Chris Sarracini; Transformers: The Ultimate Guide, by Simon Furman; Transformers War Within, by Simon Furman & Andrew Wildman; The Unofficial Guide to Transformers: 1980s Through 1990s, by J.E. "Rikki" Alvarez

My Blog

Steven Spielberg is a Transformers fan, too

Sixty-year-old Steven Spielberg admits he's a Transformers fanatic.  His confession is below.   I think that as long as there has been Transformers, I have been one of the biggest ...
Posted by jeff on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 02:00:00 PST

'Transformers: The Movie' timeline: 1986-present

August 8, 1986 Transformers: The Movie (the 1986 animated blockbuster--not be confused with the forthcoming live-action film) was released in 990 theaters throughout the US--including Jackson's now-go...
Posted by jeff on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 07:10:00 PST

Transformers (2007 film)

On July 4, 2007, the Transformers' first-ever, live-action/CGI movie--which is simply titled Transformers--will be released in theaters throughout the US.  I'm already looking forward to seeing i...
Posted by jeff on Mon, 13 Mar 2006 04:45:00 PST

Casey Kasem didn't RETIRE from 'Transformers'--he QUIT!

In September, 1986, the Transformers' third season had begun. Only one episode thereof had been voiced by Casey Kasem: "Chaos" (in that episode, he was the voice of a captive robot who said "We've go...
Posted by jeff on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST