Philosophy, politics, political activism, conceptual art, electronic music, film-making, acting, performance art.
I'd like to meet:
Blue Man Group, Rob Zombie, King Crimson, Todd Rundgren, Brian Eno, Oingo Boingo, Bill Nelson, Nash the Slash, Bebop Deluxe, Frank Zappa, Hawkwind, Steve Reich, Klaus Schulze, Old Genesis, The Cramps, Marvin Gaye, electronica, exotica, space, prog-rock, swing, some country is OK.
The Addams Family, V for Vendetta, Brazil, The Blues Brothers, Blazing Saddles, Young Frankenstein, Ed Wood, Fight Club, The Ninth Configuration, The Shining, Requiem for a Dream, The Devil's Rejects, To Kill a Mockingbird, Evil Dead, Pee-Wee's Big Adventure, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Grapes of Wrath, Last House on the Left, Cool Hand Luke, Night of the Living Dead, Classics, horror films, Sci-Fi, absurd comedy, exploitation films.
MST3K, News, documentaries. Don't care for "reality" shows.
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, Aleister Crowley, Edward Gorey, H. P. Lovecraft, August Derleth, Ambrose Bierce, Mark Twain, Poe.
Dalai Lama, Gandhi, Einstien, Stephen Hawking, MC Escher, Dali, Terry Gilliam, Marcel Duchamp, Lon Chaney, Vincent Price, Todd Rundgren, Zappa.