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follow BlackoutGirl at http://twitter.comHOT Myspace LayoutsHOT Myspace Layouts ****************************************************** Order the book on Amazon ****************************************************** My memoir is available right now order the book on Amazon *********************************************************WHA T PEOPLE ARE SAYING!***************************************************** **** A common story. A rare twist... "Blackout Girl" brings us one step closer to forgiving ourselves for something we didn't do.— Melody Beattie, author of "Codependent No More," "The Grief Club," and more.******************************************************* *** I have read my share of stories of addiction and Ms. Storm’s tale is among the most unnerving I have read in a while. I recommend Ms. Storm’s book for any young person who wants to see what the life of an addict is really about - no holds barred. There is no sugar coating here, and because the writing is uncomplicated, it may appeal to a younger audience. This is a book written with courage and hope from the heart of a young woman who has been through hell and whose life is an affirmation of the gifts of recovery. --Ginger B. from The Second Road Family ********************************************************* ABOUT THE BOOK~ Growing up, Jennifer Storm was one of the estimated one in five teenagers (4.3 million) who, according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) have a drinking problem. Timid sips of her mother’s crème de menthe when she was six or seven soon evolved into hardcore binge-drinking, a problem with which she began coping as early as thirteen. ****************************************************** Along the way she found herself anesthetized to many of life’s harsher realities, although it didn’t save her from becoming victimized by them. Passing out and blacking out became indistinguishable; date and rape seemed to go hand in hand. To cope with the added pressures of young adulthood drugs were soon added to the mix, anything to dull the senses and quell the confusion of growing up gay in perky, straight 80s America. ****************************************************** Blackout Girl: Growing Up – and Drying Out – in America is Jennifer Storm’s coming of age story. Told with unflinching detail and using the sparse language of a teenage girl intent only on telling the truth, Blackout Girl is equal parts Girl Interrupted, Go Ask Alice, and Prozac Nation. ****************************************************** Sadly, Jennifer’s tale is all too common, making the readership for this unflinching memoir a wide one, both in America and abroad. The upside is that Jennifer came through her ordeal to succeed despite all the odds. Hers is truly a modern success story of epic proportions; fraught with abuse, scandal, tragedy, trauma and, amazingly, an unquenchable thirst to survive and, indeed, succeed where others might have given up long ago. Personal memoirs of abuse, alcoholism, drug addiction, and rape have become of late a genre unto themselves. As Jennifer’s memoir is a combination of all the above, with plenty of institutional abuse, personal soul searching, and the inspiration of forgiveness thrown in for good measure.**************************************************** * ~Be aware of your thoughts~ ~they become your words~ ~Be aware of your words~ ~they become your actions~ ~Be aware of your actions~ ~they become your Destiny~ ******************************************************
Jennifer Storm, Bullying (WPSU TV/FM)

This is an interview I did while at PSU!!

Jennifer Storm, Bullying (WPSU TV/FM)

Here is my interview with WPSU about the book!

My Interests

I’m a conisuer of sleep and organized chaos.

I'd like to meet:

I think MySPACE is a great tool to reconnect with people from your past and to help new artist launch talent such as bands, writers etc. I DO NOT APPRECIATE IT BEING USED FOR PORN OR SENSELESS TELLEMARKETING AND WILL NOT RESPOND TO YOU IF YOU SEND ME AN X RATED PAGE OR ANYTHING OF THAT NATURE OR AN IPOD EMAIL. I ALREADY HAVE AN IPOD AND IF I WANT TO SEE A HOT NAKED CHICK I WILL LOOK IN THE MIRROR.***************************************************** *
find and share recovery images at anonymousspace.comAnyone who is interested in changing the world. Anyone who uses thier voice to create change. I will respond to emails and posts as often as I can so feel free to leave a message or email a question, especially once the book hits! Oh and your mom...


I can appreciate almost all music and need music to live on a daily is almost as important as air. Ani Difranco, Beth Hart, Rage Against the Machine, Kelly Clarkson, Jeff Buckley, Pink, Blue October, Goo Goo Dolls, The Fray, Fergie, Don Henley, The Eagles, The Bee Gees, SARAH MCLAGHLAN is a lyrical genius, Indigo Girls,ENDZONE, Jem, Cyndi Lauper, Guns and Roses, Celine Dion, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana, Marvin Gaye and many more.


The Lost Boys, St. Elmos Fire, The Breakfast Club, Superbad, Knocked Up,Romeo and Juliet, Goodfellas, Gia, Good Will Hunting, Juno and my new all time favorite --THE DEPARTED!!! When a Man loves a Woman is also a must see!


My so Called Life, 90210, Friends, Sex in the City, L Word, Weeds, Californication, and my new fav DEXTER!!! and of course my job live on TV--LAW AND ORDER!!! I love Entourage!I am newly obsessed with Californication!!THE BIGGEST LOSER...for 2 reasons, Jillian is fucking HOT! and it shows that ANYONE can lose weight and change their lives with the right encouragment and discipline!


order the book on AmazonJust finished~On Bullshit, Finding your way home, Baby Love, Possible Side affects,Smashed, Cut, Eat Pray Love, The Memory Daughters Keeper, Comeback, Nineteen Minutes, The Pact, Skinny Bitch and anything I can get my hands on written by Jody Picoult... Currently finished Prozac Nation and almost needed a fucking prescription to get through the satire... and Candy Girl, which was a lovely fun peek into the sex industry! :)Currently reading CUNT by India Mucio--Good read!!Written on the Body by Jeannette Winterson is shear brilliance.Skinny Bitch is my new obsession!! Read it now and be prepared for it to change EVERYTHING about the way you eat and look at food!


Martin Luther King,Jr.. Rosa Parks, Leslie Fienberg, Ghandi, Jesus anyone willing to lay down their lives for truth and justice.Melody Beattie for always speakinng her truth and touching my life in a way few can.

My Blog

Day Two of our Hollywood Adventure

  We checked into our hotel on Saturday or Memorial Day weekend and the place was crawling with young Hollywood types everywhere.  We were given neon wrist bands at the front desk for the po...
Posted by STORM on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 04:49:00 PST

Day One of my Hollywood Adventure!

The thought of spending seven days in California was an absolute delight.  My baby (Roma, for future reference) and I were so excited as we share a common love of all things celebrity. Part of it...
Posted by STORM on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 04:17:00 PST

Im back... did you miss me?

I was out in Los Angeles for a week for the book and it was fantastic! I took a break from writing and had no internet&I know, can you imagine&I even took a couple blackberry breaks.  And while I...
Posted by STORM on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 12:14:00 PST

California Dreamin baby...

My baby and I are heading on a jet plane in less than 16 hours we will be on our way to the west coast.  California baby.  I love California and if it weren't so fucking far away from all th...
Posted by STORM on Fri, 23 May 2008 11:53:00 PST

The Derek and Romaine Show

This Thursday night at 8:15PM I will be on Sirius Out Q with The Derek and Romaine Show promoting my book. Now if you know me than you know that I briefly dated Romaine back in the day before she was...
Posted by STORM on Tue, 20 May 2008 03:53:00 PST

As if I needed another reason to love California...

Today the California Supreme Court stood up and did the only human and civil thing possible and struck down the ban on same-sex marriages!  Woo hoo!  What a wonderful and validating day to b...
Posted by STORM on Thu, 15 May 2008 01:43:00 PST

Lehigh Valley, Librarians and Blogging!

Lehigh Valley here I come...That's right, I am coming home for my first official book signing in my hometown.  Here are the details:  Saturday, May 17, 2008 1-3 pm Barnes & Noble B...
Posted by STORM on Wed, 14 May 2008 03:47:00 PST

The Second Road

Hello everyone! I have recently started blogging for a great recovery webpage, and my first post was just uploaded.  Here is a sneak peek at it&  A Seed Planter Ha...
Posted by STORM on Wed, 14 May 2008 12:02:00 PST

Little Blue Boxes

I just want to bestow a serious humble thank you to all who sent me birthday greetings.  It was incredible to sign on and continue to receive message after message from people!  I did start ...
Posted by STORM on Fri, 09 May 2008 05:57:00 PST

Rosie O’Donnell bought my book!

OMG!  So I have been emailing/stalking Rosie O'Donnell now for like a month or so.  I don't really think it can be considered stalking since it's an option on her webpage, but nonetheless!&n...
Posted by STORM on Tue, 06 May 2008 03:04:00 PST