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About Me

Daniel Sweet ~
Author | Entrepreneur | Investor | Musician

Hello Friends! I'm the creator and CEO of Pro Publishing Company . My company specializes in Collaborative Co-Authored Anthology self-help books. I help people bring out their inner genius, make more money and become the stars that they really deserve to be.

If you've ever dreamed of being an author then I urge you to go check out how because your story of leadership in your business needs to be heard. I have a special deal right now where I'll comp the cost of getting you featured on the cover of my upcoming new book titled: The Power of Leadership ~ Finding the Leader Within.

My authors learn how to get free publicity for themselves and their business in newspapers, magazines, on radio and even on TV - and get paid for it too! I love to help others realize their dreams of becoming a published author, grow their business in exciting new ways and be the masters of their own destiny. I'm also an ordained minister, a proud parent of two boys and an off-road enthusiast.

As a man of God, I always do my best to do that which would be approved of Him, because if what I do is good enough for God, then it's certainly great for everyone else!

If you'd like to learn more about how to be a published author in my newest upcoming book titled "The Power of Leadership ~ Finding the Leader Within" go to


Speaking of off-road, check out this video of my 6 year old son Quinn in the desert. Sometimes kids are so funny and they don't even know it!

My Interests

Movin and groovin!

I'd like to meet:

I love to surround myself with other successful people and help them to become even more of a success. So I want to meet people in business who have a strong desire to improve themselves. People who want to get ahead and make more money. People who want to make their business more valuable to their customers. People who desire free publicity and want a way to actually make money from their marketing. Those are the people I want to meet AND have a great, prosperous relationship with.

So if you have an interesting story to tell about yourself you can put the Law of Attraction to work for you. Attract Customers and create a rush of new business by becoming an author in my newest 12-part series on The Power of Leadership. I make it really easy for virtually anyone to do it because of all the help and support my staff offers. Look into it here: www.Pro-Publishing-Company.com

As far as meeting celebrities goes, I already know a few. So I'm not really into meeting people one time like a star struck teenager, I want to know and hang out with them. The number one guy I want to cruise with is Jesus Christ. That dude can really throw down. Here's the rest in no particular order: Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki, Jonathan Budd, Perry Marshall, Ken McCarthy, Paul Stanley, Brett Michaels and Krusty the Clown (ya, ya I know he's a cartoon character but I feel like we're kindred spirits) Hey Hey!


Listening to Debbra sing and blow into her sax-a-ma-phone. I dig all kinds of music as long as it doesn't suck!


Love the Matrix and Star Wars series. Mostly any comedies and select Sci-Fi.


Only when Deb is on. Oh ya, and the Simpsons. And Lost... and The Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother and Batman the Animated Series and Johnny Test and... okay... I like it all. But I don't watch the news or daytime talk shows. Blech!


Masters of Sales written by Debbra Sweet and the Power of Leadership (I'm reading that one as I write it:)


Anyone who has the courage to better themselves and stick to it.

My Blog

The Power of Leadership ~ New Book Coming Soon!

Hey everyone, I've had some people ask me about it so here's the news: My new book, The Power of Leadership - Finding the Leader Within, is still in production. I do have a few spots left for anyone w...
Posted by Daniel on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 05:41:00 PST

Excited About New Web Site  What do you think about it?

Hey there everybody! I'm pretty excited today because I've just finished spending 12 hours on Saturday completely re-vamping my web site for the upcoming Power of Leadership Book Series. I think it lo...
Posted by Daniel on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 01:33:00 PST

Become An Author and Explode Your Income

Becoming an author can be more profitable than you ever imagined. Gone are the old writing and publishing paradigms that limited you to royalties AFTER your advance was earned back, your agent was pai...
Posted by Daniel on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 09:55:00 PST