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I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

I grew up in the 'Ocean State'. After attending college I did a stint in the military. At age 21 my life took sort of a detour and I've been living life on Plan B ever since. I'm upbeat and spontaneous with a pretty good sense of humor. I lived in Guadalajara, Mexico for close to ten years before settling in Arizona. As many other disabled veterans had before me, I discovered sunshine in paradise and got a second chance at life South of the Border. I finally chronicled this unique place in time in my book, 'QUADALAJARA --- The Utopia That Once Was' www.QuadMexico.com..
View my BLOG: http://quadmexico.blogspot.com/
QUADALAJARA --- The Utopia That Once Was
An Inspirational Memoir of a Place, a Time and the People
Vietnam veteran Jack Tumidajski writes a very moving account of his personal journey both in a wheelchair and in his soul. The real story is however, all about a place and group of people he found. His inspirational and historic book Quadalajara: The Utopia That Once Was brings to light a history that most Americans were not even aware of. I know this was all new to me
In order to financially survive and become truly independent, a group of WWII, Korean, and Vietnam veterans along with other quadriplegics and paraplegics moved to Mexico; where they formed their own cultural womb of fellowship in the midst of a true paradise. This band of brothers (and even a few sisters) formed the heart of a new social order that flourished and grew to be something much deeper than and relevant than any of them would have imagined
It is kind of an odd quirk of "fate" that Jack survived without as much as a scratch his entire tour of duty only to be seriously injured in a simple auto accident shortly after he was home on leave from the war. But I do not believe that there are truly any accidents in life; and that our fate is really more of a life mission and not some random spin on the roulette wheel of chance happenstance. So, one could assume that Jack was preordained and destined to head south and meet these people and become involved in their way of life. More importantly, he saved their personal histories in this book!
The author does a wonderful job preserving the history of these people and this subculture. Thanks to him, future generations will not forget this American community that once was so vibrant and active in the heart of Mexico. Jack shares not only his life and lessons but opens up stories about others and sheds some light on their experiences and memories
You will never read a book like this. This is unique history that he makes both entertaining and inspiring for the reader. The MWSA gives his book its highest rating of FIVE STARS! I personally recommend this book to read.
A MWSA 2006 Distinguished Book Award Winner
Bill McDonald, President, Military Writers Society of America
Professional MySpace Layouts by Iron Spider

My Interests

Getting national exposure for "QUADALAJARA - The Utopia That Once Was" and the "Quadalajara Era" (Mid-50s to Mid-80s).

I'd like to meet:

Non-fiction readers, readers of mostly fiction who are open to reading unique inspirational stories, book reviewers, but especially those who 'think' they know a bit about disabled vets who once lived to Mexico from watching the movie - 'Born on the 4th of July'! And, I can't forget, Oprah!
Someone who I'm attracted to who is also genuine and sincere. Words mean nothing. Actions do. I appreciate an intelligent woman with a bubbly personality --- someone who is fun to be around and spend time with. Asking for too much?


Motown, Rock n Roll, '60s "One-hit Wonders", some Jazz and Blues.


The one that will someday be adapted from "QUADALAJARA - The Utopia That Once Was"! "The Men", "Coming Home", "Born on the 4th of July"


Whatever puts me to sleep at night.


QUADALAJARA - The Utopia That once Was, Radical Son, JFK - The Man and The Myth, Born on the 4th of July, mainly biographies and autobiographies.To Order By CheckTo Order By PayPal


MOM and POP. Bobby Taylor and all those brave souls who sacrificed their lives for us. George Ray, George Small, Ray "Doc" Foland, Bill Bailey, Eddie Lucier, Keith Ziegler, Ray Clifford, Jimmy Lietz, Tom Kirch, Bob Beilsmith, Jack Myrick, Helen Dunn and all of the Explorers and Pioneers of an almost forgotten moment in time! Our Men and Women in the Military, Police, Firefighters, Caregivers and Single Moms.

My Blog

Memorial Day Press Release - ’QUADALAJARA - The Utopia That Once Was’

Contact: Jack Tumidajski        &n bsp;         &n bsp;         &n bsp;&n...
Posted by JACK on Wed, 14 May 2008 10:12:00 PST

"My 3 Songs" on 94.5 KOOL-FM, Phoenix!

Posted by JACK on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 01:24:00 PST


(From a February 25, 2007 Blogger.com post.  WARNING:  reading the following may make you extremely sleepy....not to mention lead to temporary - or permanent - confusion???) ...
Posted by JACK on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 08:17:00 PST

Wheelers Throw King-Size Party for Orphans

WHEELERS THROW KING-SIZE PARTY FOR ORPANS (Paraplegia News - June 1964)GUADALAJARA, MEXICO - By John ReeseThose guys are at it again.The same incorrigible bunch of American quadriplegics and parap...
Posted by JACK on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 10:01:00 PST


Hi Jack!I finished your book this weekend. It was definitely one of those "can’t put down" ones; I loved it.Your story was so interesting, with such moments of joy and sadness. Personally, it br...
Posted by JACK on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 05:26:00 PST

Smiling While Sad - Please Read

I intended to honor a fallen friend today --- and I will.  But something turned my frown around.   (From Pages 67-68, QUADALAJARA - The Utopia That Once Was)   The news of Bobby's deat...
Posted by JACK on Thu, 28 Feb 2008 04:46:00 PST

FREE Offer & Reader Feedback

Posted by JACK on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 01:20:00 PST

Childhood Friends Mike & Bobby Taylor

  As some of you know, Mike and I left Providence College in the Fall of 1967, opting to fulfill our military obligation sooner -- rather than later -- with the idea of returning to college in th...
Posted by JACK on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 07:53:00 PST

Sex, Drugs and R&R

QUADALAJARA --- The Utopia That Once Was  (Excerpt from Chapter Three --- Sex, Drugs and R&R )........... I awoke with the sunlight.  Lee was asleep next to me. As I focused o...
Posted by JACK on Wed, 06 Feb 2008 12:58:00 PST

My "Son"

The cute little guy with the cute puppy in the cute photo that currently appears on my page is referred to as my "Son" in his pics because...   "Within 24 hours, Maria had gone into labor, h...
Posted by JACK on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 08:28:00 PST