twojäm giz sit 2004 womir oises erschti album "completed frägments" usegä hend. 2006 sind de mäsi und vousi dezue cho, und den hemer einigi huere geili konzertli chöne spile z vierte, letzt summer hemir ois allerdings wider ufglöst und jez simer wider z zweite am baschtle. vil schpass mit oisne 2 noie songs und da au no oisesm "alte" videoclip usem 2005:twojam was born in 2004 when elisa and luc recorded their first album "completed fragments" , in 2006 maesi and vousi joined and the twojam-4-man-band played some really nice gigs around town, split up in summer 2007 and now were back again as two-man-band... pardon, one-boy-and-one-girl-band. anyway, hope you enjoy our songs and our "old"
videoclip "curtain becomes wall".. (2005)
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