Synopsis:Christmas Spirits is a post 9/11 drama about the social-political struggles felt in the aftermath of the event that changed America forever. These are struggles that we continue to fight against today.Set in a bar on Christmas Eve, 2001, the day when a jet passenger caught with explosives in his shoes made the news, along with airport suitcase scares and job losses, racial profiling, the continuing hunt for Al Qaeda members and the day Giuliani became Person of the Year.The bars close proximity to the airport welcomes a mixed crowd of its employees and travellers. Central to the story are Vladimir (Dave Brown), cargo manager and right-wing extremist, Santa (Michael Massengale), ex-airplane mechanic and now a down and out black department store Santa Clause, and Nader (Sef Tuma), international businessman and Middle Eastern intellectual.During this Christmas Eve, bar conversations take the form of fiery religious debates and talk of terrorism, racism and homosexuality. Christmas Spirits is like a time capsule showing us who we were yesterday, allowing us to examine our lives today, and question how we want to live our lives for tomorrow.
Soundtrack by: MiniBar, Endochine, The Hot Rods, SOLVEI, Marc "Marcus" Joseph, Fanatic, Pete Hopkins, Cacti Widders, Harmala