Status: Married
Here For: Friends
Ethnicity: Humanity
Sign: Do not enter unless you want to hear the Truth
Age: I am Ageless
Location: Where else but little blue planet Earth?
Orientation: Happiness
Sex: Not in this lifetime
Children: Love them, but not for me
Occupation: Breathing and Loving
If you want me to make you a fan sign, make me one and I will make you one back. Simple as that! Just give me time! I make the best sign, no questions asked! :D
♥ My heart is taken; My hand is not ♥
A Letter To My Beloved
Who Am I You Asked?
I am your shadow
I am the one that walks silently behind your steps
I am the unspoken voices of your conscience
I am the tears that you once shed when life confronts you with trials and obstacles
I am the unknown friend that secretly sings to you your lost forgotten songs
I am the one to remind you of your lost forgotten past years
I am the memories that you once kept near your beating heart
I am the ghost of your past, present and future
I am your bestfriend in disguise as a stranger
I am a dreamer dreaming of you into my life
All in all, remember this: I am hidden deep within your soul, for I am a reflection of your greater Self
And now you asked having known all these "Who are you really?" my answer is: "I am nothing more but a shadow of your Love, for I am YOU hidden within every human hearts & souls"
--Hoang Tran a.k.a. Beauty Is God
"it takes 3 seconds to say i love you"
"it takes 3 hours to explain it"
"it takes a lifetime to prove it"
Sweet Wendy
.frm2 {visibility:hidden;} .frm2 input {visibility:visible;} .BeautyisGod {content:"";}